軟體名稱: Uninstall Tool
軟體版本: 2.9.6 build 5106
軟體大小: 5.32 MB
下載方式: HTTP
若是安裝了過多無用的程式或經常性的安裝測試軟體,那就必然得常常使用反安裝功能,有些軟體會直接附上自帶的反安裝程式, 有些不友善的軟體則必須由系統的新增/ 刪除來移除軟體,但是不管你用哪一種方式,最後都很容易會留下一些設定 上的殘餘檔案未能順利移除,這樣久而久之便會造成系統的負擔,造成無預警的錯誤或開機緩慢...等常見問題,於是彷間出現了 許許多多專門用來代替新增/移除程式的各式軟體, Uninstall Tool便是該類中的佼佼者。
Uninstall Tool 支援刪除各類型軟體,甚至於無法出現在系統新增/刪除裡頭的程式都可以輕易的刪除,包含了一般軟體、隱藏軟體、 隨系統啟動的所有程式、系統更新程式...等都能以分類方式用最簡單的操作方式來管理跟刪除,更有許多獨門絕技可以 協助我們掌握軟體安裝資訊,以便可以在進行軟體反安裝的時候可以獲得最佳效果。
Key Features:
# Completely remove any software installed! (using Uninstall Wizard ™ technology)
# 3 Times Faster than Add/Remove program!
# Uninstall System and Hidden programs
# Add/Remove Programs that automatically run at system startup
# Sorting applications: by Name, by Occupied Size, by Installation Date.
# Uninstall Programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove program.
# Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry.
# Highlighting of recently installed applications in the list
# Smart Search ™ allows quick finding of any application you need.
# Navigate to a selected program's Registry Entry, Installation Folder and its Web Site.
# View Detailed Information of a certain application installed on your computer.
# Easy to use and modern User Interface allows to work comfortably with Uninstall Tool.
# Multilingual interface!
# Option to replace Add/Remove program or add Uninstall Tool to Control Panel
# Saving (exporting to HTML) detailed reports about currently installed applications
# Running "Windows Components" and "Add/Remove Programs" tools
# Complete compatibility with X64 Windows
# Much More...