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[顯示卡器] NVIDIA 說:「是 12VHPWR(PCIe 12+4 Pin 接頭沒正確連接導致燒毀」

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燒的沸沸揚揚的 RTX 4090 的 PCIe 12+4 Pin(12VHPWR)接頭融化事件,目前 NVIDIA 正式對這件事發表申明:「主要是接頭沒正確連接所導致。」

NVIDIA 申明中提到全球有 50 起相關的案例,主要肇因來至於顯卡端的電源線接頭沒有正確的插入插座當中,也因為如此導致電阻升高、溫度飛升,溫度超過插頭材料的燃點後就會開始冒煙、融化接頭。

We are actively investigating the reports. We are aware of about 50 cases globally.
Our findings to date suggest that a common issue is that connectors are not fully plugged into the graphics card. To help ensure the connector is secure we recommend plugging the power dongle into the graphics card first to ensure it’s firmly and evenly plugged in, before plugging the graphics card into the motherboard.
We are investigating additional ways to ensure that the connector is secure before powering on the graphics card.
NVIDIA and our partners are committed to supporting our customers and ensuring an expedited RMA process, regardless of the cable or card used.

但其實任何 12V 高電壓的電源接頭,沒正確插入都有機會造成接頭燒毀融化,因為小編以前就燒過 PCIe 6+2 pin 的連接線。

只不過 PCIe 12+4 Pin(12VHPWR)接頭的「沒正確插入」的機率相當高所導致這問題。而 Cablemod 也有 12VHPWR 接頭的安裝指南

其指出,12VHPWR 接頭不論水平、垂直都不要過度折彎,並至少預留 3.5cm 的線長後才能折彎線材走線。

NVIDIA 也提到正在研究其他方法判斷電源線是否有正常插入,而 NVIDIA 與各家顯卡品牌也會盡責處理因接頭融化燒毀的顯卡 RMA 保固。

source: nvidia.custhelp.com
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