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Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.8 功能強悍的檔案管理器-多語中文版

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ken000 發表於 2009-7-2 17:50:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

【軟體大小】:102 MB

TotalCommanderUltimaPrime是TotalCommander的增強版本。它包含了TotalCommander,增強了表單和工作列,填加了一些插件,並對介面進行了少許改動。TotalCommander是一個功能強大的全能文件管理器,支持隨意自訂的表單、工作列、快捷鍵,給您最大的自由。一般的文件操作,如搜尋、複製、移動、改名、移除等功能應有盡有,更有文件內容比較、同步資料夾、批量重新命名文件、分割合併文件、新增/檢查文件校驗(MD5/SFV) 等實用功能。內裝 ZIP/TAR/GZ/TGZ 格式的壓縮/解壓功能,ZIP格式還支持新增加密及自解包功能。此外,不僅可以直接開啟(解開) ARJ/CAB/RAR/LZH/ACE/UC2 等壓縮包,配合插件或相應的壓縮程序,更可新增這些格式的壓縮包,就像新增和開啟資料夾一樣簡單。而搜尋功能,無論是文件還是內容,同樣支持在這些壓縮包中進行。
通過工作列和表單,可以隨意使用外部程序和內部指令。多種功能或強大或實用的插件,讓 TC 如虎添翼、能原來所不能。批量重新命名和文件搜尋,利用插件和正則陳述式,功能更多更強了。還有可以選項的美化介面,支持 FXP 和 HTTP 代理的 FTP 功能,等等等等……有了它,檔案總管、WinZip 及大多數文件管理和工作列軟體,都可以無法工作了!
Changes in Version 4.8 (2009 06 30):
- Added files filter library "Google like Quicksearch" - special thanks to Samuel Plentz for agreement to include his work into TC UP.
- Added "Repair" menu option.
- Added new "Autoplay" option in Installer.
- "TC UP New" tool has been rewritten.
- "AIMP" has been updated to the newest version (2.60 Beta 2, Build 482).
- "Angel Writer" has been updated to the newest version (3.2).
- "Ant Movie Catalog" has been updated to the newest version (
- "FileAlyzer" has been updated to the newest version (
- "Free Download Manager" has been updated to the newest version (3.0 build 848).
- "HxD" has been updated to the newest version (
- "HFS" has been updated to the newest version (2.2F).
- "InfraRecorder" has been updated to the newest version (0.47).
- "Miranda" has been updated to the newest version (0.8.1 Unicode).
- "Notepad++" has been updated to the newest version (5.4.3 Unicode).
- "Opera@USB" has been updated to the newest version (9.64).
- "Recuva" has been updated to the newest version (1.27.419).
- "System Info for Windows" has been updated to the newest version (2009-05-12).
- "TightVNC" has been updated to the newest version (1.3.10).
- "Total Commander" has been updated to the newest version (7.50 PB6).
- "uTorrent" has been updated to the newest version (1.8.3).
- "VirtualDub" has been updated to the newest version (1.9.2).
- "Wavosaur" has been updated to the newest version (
- "WinContig" has been updated to the newest version (0.90).
- "WinMerge" has been updated to the newest version ( Unicode).
- "XnView" has been updated to the newest version (1.96.1).
- Added wfx plugin: "WinCE"
- Removed wcx plugin: "fhRAR"
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs has been corrected.
- Known bugs has been corrected.

zencodex 發表於 2009-7-4 10:46:46 | 只看該作者
這個版本的 Total Command 真是強悍之至,
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