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    AIMP 3.50.1224 Beta 1 高質音樂播放器 ~ 免安裝

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    le2712 發表於 2013-2-17 23:17:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    【軟體名稱】:AIMP 3.50 Build 1224 Beta 1 ~ 免安裝
    【檔案大小】:7.30 MB
    【放置空間】:depositfiles / solidfiles / Rghost
    AIMP 是一個長得很像傳統WinAMP的音樂播放器,不過 AIMP 功能相當多元、擴充性也很不錯,除了該有的EQ等化器、播放時的視覺特效、可更換、自訂佈景主題...之外,他的播放清單跟foobar2000一樣可以很方便的用「多頁籤」的方式瀏覽、切換,適合給喜歡自己編輯一堆歌單來聽的人用。實際操作起來又跟WinAMP般簡單、直覺。
    除此之外,AIMP 內建了一堆相當實用的小功能,譬如說可以讓我們自行設定自動關機時間,看是要用倒數計時的方式播到時間到之後就關機,或在指定時間讓電腦自動關機、休眠、停止播放或關閉 AIMP 程式。甚至也可以在播放清單裡的歌曲播完之後自動關機或停止播放,相當方便!
    Changes in AIMP 3.50 Build 1224 Beta 1 (31.01.2013):
    + Common: Performance has been increased
    + Common: Player no longer supports configuration files from AIMP2
    + Common: Added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for Windows Vista and newer
    + Common: Settings in options dialog has been regrouped
    + Common: Added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B are supported)
    + Sound Engine: Added support for i32v24 sample format
    + Sound Engine: Now player has separate settings for crossfading in manual and automatic switching modes
    + Sound Engine: Equalizer has been improved – now all frequencies are processed between sliders
    + Skin Engine: Potential abilities are extended
    + Skin Engine: An ability to switch off spectrum animation for playable track
    + Skin Engine: An ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges
    + Player: Hotkey for the “Reload data from pre-image” command has been added
    + Player: Hotkeys for executing the “Bookmarks Manager” and “Equalizer” dialogs has been added
    + Player: Hotkeys for set mark to playable / selected files has been added
    + Player: Confirmation for the remove equalizer preset operation has been added
    + Player: Equalizer settings has been added to the DSP Manager dialog
    + Player: Now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device
    + Player: Added Drag-n-Drop support for the Bookmarks Manager
    + Player: The queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing
    + Player: Playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content
    + Player: Managing Playlists – added an ability to browse content of closed playlist (with search ability)
    + Audio Converter: Hotkey for start conversion process has been added
    + Audio Converter: Added an ability to save path structure during conversion process
    + Audio Converter: OPUS Encoder has been added
    + CoverArt Downloader: Caching of downloaded files for current work session
    + CoverArt Downloader: Click on image now opens it in external application
    + Scheduler: Alarm Clock – added an ability to execute action after pre-set time period
    + Scheduler: Alarm Clock – added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone
    + Tag Editor: The “File Size” column has been added
    + Tag Editor: Added an ability to resize window of “Presets Editor” dialog
    + Tag Editor: Rename files – added an ability to replace / remove selected characters
    + Tag Editor: Rename files – bilateral transliteration has been added (Russian – English)
    + Tag Editor: Rename files – new design
    + Tag Editor: Added support of “BPM”, “Disc Count” and “Publisher” tag fields
    + Tag Editor: Added support of OPUS format tags
    + Tag Editor: Added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch Library)
    + Audio Library: Mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times
    + Audio Library: Added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark is not set
    + Audio Library: Added an ability to switch off automatic jump to next track during playback
    + Audio Library: Added an ability to send files to playlist
    + Audio Library: The “BPM”, “Composer”, “Publisher” and “File Format” columns has been added
    + Audio Library: Added an ability to add files to data base via Drag-n-Drop
    + Audio Library: Added special context menu for cells of the “Labels” column
    + Audio Library: Hotkeys for playback control has been added
    + Audio Library: New design of the “Labels Manager” dialog
    + Custom Controls: Context menu – added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel
    + Custom Controls: Context menu – auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup
    + Custom Controls: Now you can switch between tabs via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown shortcuts
    + Custom Controls: Scrollbar – added an ability to jump to position under mouse cursor via mouse click with pressed Shift key
    + Custom Controls: ListView and TreeView – per-pixel scrolling has been added

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