Breaking the CCC 1GHz limitation by unlocked BIOS
Thanks to more PWM design and nice thermal solution, MSI Hawk series always has a great overclock potential and good performance. Today we get unlocked BIOS which can break the GPU/memory clock limitation of R6870 Hawk. Let’s try to flash this BIOS for totally unleash the graphics card overclocking potential. At first, we can see the R6870 Hawk factory clock is 930MHz, and the GPU clock limitation is 1000MHz; and the memory clock limitation is 1250 MHz (according to AMD CCC).
我們都知道R6870 Hawk TWIN FROZR III的電源相數還有散熱方案,HAWK系列一直有著很高的超頻潛力與良好的性能比,今天我們拿到了6870 HAWK開啟CCC最高破解版本的BIOS,讓我們來嘗試看看,這放寬限制的BIOS有什麼獨到與好玩之處!
Unlocked BIOS introduction
oiginal unlocked
core clock limitation 1000 Mhz 1400 MHz
mem clock limitation 1250 MHz 1500 MHz
X BIOS更新之後
** Before flashing the unlocked BIOS, must to back up the original BIOS first **
Please prepare the following list for flash BIOS:
1. One USB flash - boot PC for DOS
2. Atiflash 3.89 - AMD graphics card flash tool
3. GPU-Z - back up BIOS
GPU-z is a great tool for graphics cards; which not only shows the information of GPU, but also supports BIOS backup. Press the green arrow besides ‘BIOS version’ and save it into USB Flash. Be sure that the atiflash tool and the BIOS are in the same folder, and then reboot PC form USB flash.
舊的時脈上限為1Ghz;mem也只放寬到1250Mhz,但這組最新X biox已經把GPU核心上限,調整至1400Mhz與mem1500Mhz了!
2.下載Atiflash 3.89版本 這是最新的AMD顯示卡的韌體刷新工具
3.使用GPU-Z 備份BIOS (這是最重要的動作,避免刷新失敗,可以再回刷上一版本!!)
GPU-Z不只能顯示GPU的內部資訊,還能支援BIOS的備份功能,做完備份之後,請把新/舊BIOS放在同一個隨身碟裡面,連同Atiflash 3.89壓縮檔裡面的檔案!!
Starting flash BIOS
1. Type the command: ‘cd ati399’
- change directory which atiflash located
2. Type the command: ‘atiflash –f –p 0 hawk_x.bin’
- flash unlocked BIOS into R6870 Hawk
3. Wait for a moment, unplug USB flash and reboot
- reboot PC for complete BIOS update
2.進去DOS畫面之中,輸入指令atiflash -f -p 0 hawk_x.bin (HAWK韌體也能改成你認為比較好記的檔案名稱,譬如0800-092000.bin)
After flash the unlocked BIOS, the GPU clock limitation of R6870 Hawk is up to 1400MHz; the memory limitation is up to 1500MHz! According to 3DMark 11 benchmark results, R6870 Hawk performance raises 3.4% at 1050MHz compare to the original limitation of 1GHz.
更新之後,會發現效能比較之前的bios,核心時脈與記憶體時脈都因為提升了,超頻核心1050Mhz的時候,會比超頻1000Mhz的效能多3.4%左右,並且不用再到MSI Afterburner破解unofficial overclocking限制!
By flashing the unlocked BIOS, the overclocking potential of MSI R6870 Hawk could be totally unleashed, especially for extreme overclockers.
結論:MSI R6870 Hawk TWIN FROZR III最終版本BIOS就是屌,尤其對於極限玩家,可讓這張6870 HAWK效能完全釋放,並且不用再搞破解~
msi R6870 Hawk TWIN FROZR III CCC放寬時脈下載處 |