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PC Tools File Recover簡單易用的檔案救援工具~New

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ken000 發表於 2010-10-21 15:56:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:PC Tools File Recover

Pc Tools File Recover讓你可以從硬碟驅動器,軟碟驅動器以及其它類型的固定媒體恢復和獲得被刪除的文件。該軟件提供了一個快速掃描和一個深度掃描選項並且可以顯示在掃描期間被發現的每個文件可以被恢復的機率。你可以進一步限制被掃描文件的類型和尺寸並且還可以按照其名稱當中包含的某個關鍵字進行文件搜索。該軟件的試用版本不允許你恢復任何文件。
File Recover feature highlights  :
- Recovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media. If you are a home user or a network administrator, File Recover fills a critical gap in your data protection strategy.
- Rapid scan engine - a typical hard drive can be scanned for recoverable files within minutes.
- Scan all files and directories on selected hard drives.
- Search for a recoverable file using part or all of its file name.
- Utilizing a non-destructive, read-only file recovery approach. File Recover will not write or make changes to the section of the drive from which it is recovering data.
- Batch file recovery (recovers multiple files in one action).
- Works around bad-sector disk areas. Recovers data where other programs fail.
- Supports standard IDE/ATA/SCSI hard drives, including drives larger than 8 GB.
- Supports hard drives formatted with Windows FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems.

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