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Canon PowerShot G系列整理

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dacota 發表於 2010-10-19 02:38:10 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Canon PowerShot G是佳能旗下PowerShot數位相機的一個系列。


Canon PowerShot G1
First member of the Powershot G series

Canon PowerShot G2

Canon PowerShot G3
Introduction of DIGIC processor. Introduction of internal neutral density filter

Canon PowerShot G5

Canon PowerShot G6

Canon PowerShot G7
Introduction of DIGIC III processor. Introduction of a new lens brought a 1 cm macro mode and lens shift optical image stabilisation.
Maximum sensitivity of ISO 3200. Face detection auto focus.
The only G series camera to lack RAW mode capture. No Compact Flash support.

Canon PowerShot G9
Similar to the G7. Most notable changes were reintroduction of Raw image format capture, a better LCD, and a new sensor

Canon PowerShot G10
Introduced DIGIC 4 and a redesigned wide-angle lens with shorter zoom range. Increased LCD and CCD resolution. New higher-capacity Lithium Ion battery NB-7L

Canon PowerShot G11
擁有1,000萬畫素高感光CCD影像感測器的Powershot G11,搭載DIGIC 4 數位影像處理器與雙重防手震,具有28mm廣角與5倍光學變焦鏡頭,特別設計2.8吋Pure Color II VA 寬視角翻轉螢幕,能夠更靈活拍攝操作,全新智慧場景偵測技術,增加人像主體移動偵測,以及臉部追蹤對焦,可支援臉部自拍與防眨眼提示。Powershot G11具備動態偵測技術,可支援高感光及追焦拍攝,加上全新新i-Contrast 自動相片優化,手動曝光拍攝模式,包含光圈先決(Av)與快門先決等模式。Powershot G11新增低光源拍攝模式,支援最高ISO12800,幫助夜景或室內光線不足時所拍攝。其他新增:白平衡微調,1公分超微距近拍,支援RAW與RAW/JPEG影像檔案格式,可選購Speedlite 閃光燈與望遠鏡頭。

Canon PowerShot G12
PowerShot G12,真正實現高感光高畫質拍攝新基準,以「HS SYSTEM」展現最強感光能力,大幅減低影像雜訊。相容更多EOS配件,新增濾鏡轉接環,可連接不同的58mm直徑濾鏡,再加入猶如專業相機的前置滾輪設計,將操控自主及創作自由完美融匯體現。配備「高動態範圍影像 (HDR)」拍攝模式,讓影像更亮麗細緻;同時加入「雙軸向影像穩定技術」(Hybrid IS),顯著提升微距拍攝精確度,幫助你於任何環境下拍攝也能輕易創造完美影像。

G1 to G6
Common features across the early G series were:
A fast lens (minimum F number of 2.0).
A flip out and twist LCD, along with a smaller status LCD on the top of the camera.
Raw image format capture.
1/1.8" CCD sensor.
Manual selection of aperture and shutter priority.
Custom white balance.
Built in flash.
Hot-shoe for external flash.
USB connectivity.
A Compact Flash card slot.
Availability of optional wide and teleconverter lenses.
Canon’s proprietary EOS shooting modes, allowing the photographer to select different exposure settings for different environments.
Included infrared remote control.
In-built neutral density filter from the G3 onwards.
Lithium ion battery.

G7 to G11
Canon Powershot G9
The G7 marked a major change in the G series. Previous G series models had featured a fast lens, Raw image format capture, and a tilt-and-swivel LCD. These were all considered hallmark features of the G series, but were removed or altered for the G7. Some of the major changes included:
Introduction of a lens with a minimum F number of 2.8, compared to 2.0 in other G series cameras. Although slower, this lens introduced improvements such as optical image stabilisation, a higher zoom range (6×), and a macro mode that would focus as close as 1 cm. The lens would also retract completely into the camera.
Change to a fixed LCD rather than a tilt-and-swivel model. The fixed LCD was larger (2.5" versus 2.0" on the G6) and increased the number of pixels by 75%.
Removal of RAW image format on G7, but returned for the G9, G10 and G11.
No infrared remote control.
Change from CompactFlash to SDHC card storage.
Black, mostly metal, body.
Many of the changes made allowed the G7 to be significantly slimmer than previous G series cameras (e.g., the thickness of the G7 is 4.25 cm while the G6 is 7.3 cm), making it more portable.
The decision to remove RAW shooting support was heavily criticized. DPReview stated that they were disappointed with the loss of RAW format[6], while Luminous Landscape stated that the removal of RAW meant that too many technical decisions had to be made while shooting instead of post-processing.[11] RAW support can be enabled on the G7 using a free firmware add-on[12].
The G9 was released in 2007. Among its features were restored RAW support, a larger LCD screen, and a 1/1.7" sensor rather than the 1/1.8" sensor on previous models[13], .
The G11, released in 2009, reintroduced the flip out and twist LCD.
knighter9999 發表於 2010-10-19 22:37:57 | 只看該作者
看來  雲爸  也是  CANON 的愛用者唷!!!
 樓主| dacota 發表於 2010-11-6 22:35:19 | 只看該作者
不過銀彈有限,我也想買Galaxy Tab
 樓主| dacota 發表於 2010-11-6 22:36:10 | 只看該作者
話說!   Galaxy Tab上市了
allenliu 發表於 2011-5-23 07:15:53 | 只看該作者
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