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Process Hacker 2.6 輕易知道哪支程式正在虐待你的硬碟

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ken000 發表於 2010-10-8 13:47:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:Process Hacker 2.6

不少玩家常會遇到一個問題,就是明明沒在執行什麼軟體,但是硬碟的燈號卻一直閃爍,不知道硬碟正在被哪支程式存取。今天就介紹一套免費的 Windows工作管理員替代方案–Process Hacker,它不但能管理Windows執行中的程序、服務及網路連線狀態,還可以顯示哪支程式的硬碟存取速度是多少,非常方便實用喔!今天要介紹的這套Process Hacker是一套Open Source的軟體,分成安裝版及可攜版,除了提供完整了電腦程序(process)、服務及網路的監視功能,還可以直接監看硬碟的I/O狀態,相當實用。
Process Hacker就好用多了,執行後不但會以顏色來區別執行程序,還多了一個「I/O Total」的欄位,能夠即時監看每支程序正在存取硬碟的狀況喔!在處理程序上按下滑鼠右鍵,會出現一大堆功能,其實這才是Process Hacker的強項啊~除了可以終結/暫停/繼續/重新啟動程序外,還可以調整優先權、設定以某個使用者的權限來執行、或是執行上傳到 VirusTotal網站來掃描該程序是不是病毒…等,功能又多又好用,實在是電腦老手不可或缺的好工具啊!
· A simple, customizable tree view with highlighting showing you the processes running on your computer.
· Detailed performance graphs.
· A complete list of services and full control over them (start, stop, pause, resume and delete).
· A list of network connections.
· Comprehensive information for all processes: full process performance history, thread listing and stacks with dbghelp symbols, token information, module and mapped file information, virtual memory map, environment variables
, handles, ...
· Full control over all processes1, even processes protected by rootkits or security software. Its kernel-mode driver has unique abilities which allows it to terminate, suspend and resume all processes and threads, including software like IceSword, avast! anti-virus, AVG Antivirus, COMODO Internet Security, etc. (just to name a few).
· Find hidden processes and terminate them. Process Hacker detects processes hidden by simple rootkits such as Hacker Defender and FU.
· Easy DLL injection and unloading2 - simply right-click a process and select "Inject DLL" to inject and right-click a module and select "Unload" to unload!
· Many more features...

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