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MyLanViewer 4.2.0 簡單又強大局域網掃描工具~new

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ken000 發表於 2010-9-20 18:33:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
軟件名稱: MyLanViewer
軟件版本: 4.2.0
軟件大小: 5.6 Mb
軟件功能: 網路管理
下載方式: http
分享期限: 免空砍檔

Mylanviewer是一個簡單的區域網掃瞄儀為您的家用網絡。 它顯示你的網路電腦一易於閱讀,好友名單作風的窗口,提供機器名稱, IP地址, MAC地址和其他技術細節,每一台電腦。您還可以查看和訪問共享文件夾,終止用戶會話,並停用共享資源。
MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner and IP monitor for your home network. It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, shared resources and other technical details for each computer. It is able to monitor IP and show notifications when the states of some computers change. You can also view and access shared folders, terminate user sessions and disable shared resources. It's easy to install and use, and has a user-friendly and beautiful interface.

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