軟體名稱: Advanced Defrag
軟體版本: v5.0.0.18
軟體大小: 15.13 Mb
軟體功能: 磁碟重整
下載方式: http
分享期限: 免空砍檔,不補檔
許多棘手的問題,如電腦的PC放慢,系統崩潰。 要碎片整理您的硬碟,但厭倦了視窗的磁碟整理? 去嘗試先進的Advanced Defrag,現在最有效的磁碟碎片整理技術!完全碎片整理和優化系統性能,在一分鐘!
Key features highlight
* In-depth analyze computer hard disk and defrag quickly & thoroughly.
* Defrag Windows registry effectively, return you a compact registry.
* Two kinds of defragment methods for different condition
* Real-time defragment, keep your PC disk fragments-free forever.
* Auto-pilot schedule task, keep the computer optimized on a daily basis.
* Detailed web-report for every analyze and defragment action.
* Intuitive and straightforward design makes everything easy and simple.
* External USB device defrag support, all Windows-base systems compatible.