German com! 電腦雜誌測試了八個免費的防毒軟件:
Avast, AVG, Avira, Bitdefender, Asquared, Microsoft Security Essentials, Panda Cloud Antivirus and PCTools Antivirus.
"Detection of 460.000 recent malware samples, ITW function test,
heuristics test with 1 and 2 week old signatures, speed test, False
Positive test with 11.000 samples and a small "proactive" test with 5
active malware samples - operating system was windows 7 32bits"
其中Avira得到最高的90分評級, 之後有第二名Avast及第三名AVG.
"Remarks in the article by the editor: Only Avast has a behavioral
blocking component in the free version; Asquared and Bitdefender lack a
on-access-scanner and work only on-demand."
"Avira AntiVir Personal detected the most malware samples (99.78%, even
more than Panda Cloud with 99.70%!), was the fastest scanner with the
least impact on system performance, and the editors consider the
usability as being simple. (Avast was faster but didn't scan archives
like ZIP and RAR; also they didn't manage to finish the ITW test with
測試並沒有覆蓋zip/rar檔, 所以在這方面的表現有待其他測試提供.