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PDF-XChange Viewer 多功能的 PDF 閱讀器~免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2010-6-9 05:26:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0 Build 52.0~免安裝
【檔案大小】:5.31 MB
【放置空間】:Rapidshare/ depositfiles
開啟 PDF 檔,除了 Adobe Reader 之外,PDF-XChange Viewer 可說是另一款更合適的軟體了,PDF-XChange Viewer 除了可以開啟觀看 PDF 檔之外,它另外的書寫工具功能,可是不容忽視的。也就是說 PDF-XChange Viewer 還允許我們在 PDF 檔案上任意位置加上註解、輸入文字、建立文字區域、箭頭、框線…等功能。最重要的是 PDF-XChange Viewer 還是一個免費的軟體。需安裝.NETframework才能執行。
Changes in version 2.0.0052.0 - 07-06-2010:
- Fixed error signing documents originally encrypted using AES algorithm.
- Fixed possible issue rendering shades with /BBox.
- Fixed charater mapping for embedded Type1 (CFF) fonts with only Differences in font encoding.
- Changed PDF file prefix from %PDF-1.x to %PDF-x.y, so viewer will now open - incorrectly formatted PDF files beginning with %PDF-0.0).
- Fixed possible GPF after saving document which contain form fields with 'unattached' widgets. (8278)
- Fixed possible GPF when moving more than one hyperlink on a page.
- Fixed issue coping with special characters (ligatures) from inside the PDF-XChange Viewer.
- Fixed issue switching keyboard layout when Alt key is used for switching, and the viewer is inside a browser.
- Fixed possible dead-lock during loading of bookmaks.
- Fixed bug with handling some keys (CAPS, SHIFT, CTRL) in text-editor.
- Fixed bug with incorrect printer margins set up. (8254)
- Fixed bug with handling NO-BREAK SPACE in the text-editor.
- Fixed bug with visibility state of hidden annotations in the Comments Pane.
- Fixed text-editor font issue when modifying text using a combination of Adobe/PDF-XChange Viewer. (8290)
- Resolved possible mismatch between image type and export mode in 'Export To Images' for multiple page files to single page formats.
- Fixed possible dead-lock with ALT key handling.
- Resolved problem with hotkeys and client's menu. (8235)
- Resolved issue with printing masked images when mask has differing dimensions to the image.
- Added comment "Remove White Spaces" which removes whites spaces (margins) on a document's pages. By default this command available only via customization options.
- Added feature for changing UI-fonts (see [Customize/Options] page). (8092)
- Added support for form submission via email. Other protocols will be supported in a future release.

jacya 發表於 2010-6-10 12:10:55 | 只看該作者
besan 發表於 2010-6-10 14:00:33 | 只看該作者
stardusthk 發表於 2010-8-13 11:36:06 | 只看該作者
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