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PDF-XChange v2.0.51.0 多功能的 PDF 閱讀器免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2010-5-14 18:24:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0 Build 51.0 免安裝
【檔案大小】:5.74 MB
【放置空間】:xun6/ depositfiles
開啟 PDF 檔,除了 Adobe Reader 之外,PDF-XChange Viewer 可說是另一款更合適的軟體了,PDF-XChange Viewer 除了可以開啟觀看 PDF 檔之外,它另外的書寫工具功能,可是不容忽視的。也就是說 PDF-XChange Viewer 還允許我們在 PDF 檔案上任意位置加上註解、輸入文字、建立文字區域、箭頭、框線…等功能。最重要的是 PDF-XChange Viewer 還是一個免費的軟體。需安裝.NETframework才能執行。
Changes in version 2.0.0051.0 - 13-05-2010:
- Resolved possible crash with some files when /DeviceN colorspace is used.
- Resolved issue with Windows Explorer stalling (Shell Extensions). (8158)
- Fixed possible issue when saving 'hybrid' files and incremental updates (8127)
- Added work around for fonts with invalid values for the Subtype property.
- Resolved issue with wrong time zone information being stored in XMP Metadata. (8041)
- Fixed issue with printing permission detection if 40-bit security is used. (8156)
- Resolved some issues with show/hide toolbar(s) operations. (8036)
- Fixed issue with font size in the text form-field.. (8104)
- Fixed issue when resetting document toolbars. (8096)
- Fixed issue with child MDI window status. (8149)
- Added new option to skip 'IP' only URL links (e.g. no https:// prefix) when auto-detecting URL(s).
- Fixed issue with UI-fonts. (8092)
- Fixed issue with context menus: wrong position or size in some cases.
- Fixed issue with the position of floating toolbars when muti/single monitor configuration is changed. (8132)
- Fixed state of frame-window when sending e-mail. (8148)
- Fixed behavior for the 'ExtractDocumentPages' operation, now returns the new document ID when successful.
- Fixed issue with importing of commens for fdf/xfdf files. (8062)
- Fixed issue with the positioning of an annotation if clicked by the mouse - when toolbars wrap.
- Added new feature: Attach & Send by email - as a ZIP file. (8158)
- Added 'Cut/Copy/Paste' commands in the context menu for the 'Select Tool'. (8140)
- Added new feature 'clone drag': clone a moved object(annotation) when 'Ctrl' is pressed. (8132)
- Added new features: create pdf from images/text files. (8003)
- Added new option to extract pages into one external file (see 'Operations.ExtractPages.ToOneFile').
- Added ability to sending source-file as a bug-report when any open-file error occurs.
- Added ability: auto-copy text from the find-box on the toolbar - to search pane when this pane is activated.
- Added feature to filter annotations by Author. (8212)
- Restored ability to save a document while editing text within 'Comments'. (8093)

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