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[筆電平板] Apple iPad : 各位 快點拿錢來排隊買吧 ... !

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yyyfly 發表於 2010-4-14 21:59:06 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Apple iPad: New release date for international pre-orders

" 錢要先給 , 貨你要慢慢等 , 要不然就不要買 ! "
現在還能這樣霸氣的公司不多了 !
除了 ... 賺到翻的包包公司 , 要不然就是慘淡經營的跑車公司以外 ...
而 3C 界 , 只能說 APPLE 造神成功啊 !
要等到五月才 "可能" 有貨喔

Following on from our earlier article which informed you about the iPad release delay outside of the U.S, we have also learned about a new release date for pre-orders of the device.
As reported from Apple Insider, Apple will now be taking pre-orders for the iPad on Monday, May 10, with shipping now expected to begin at the end of May.
Here is a quote from Apple’s official press release that was issued this morning: ”We know that many international customers waiting to buy an iPad will be disappointed by this news, but we hope they will be pleased to learn the reason — the iPad is a runaway success in the U.S. thus far.”
We all know that the iPad is the hottest device around at the moment, but it is still disappointing to hear news of yet another delay for customers outside of the U.S.
If you are still prepared to wait and want to pre-order the iPad in May, the 10th is the date you’ll need to remember. Let us know your thoughts on this.

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