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AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta影音光碟防拷破解利器~new

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ken000 發表於 2010-2-8 13:52:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

【軟體名稱】:AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta
【檔案大小】:5.2 MB

AnyDVD是一種自動在後台解密的DVD電影的驅動程序。這樣一來,對於所有的應用程序和窗口操作系統,這張的DVD就變成沒有加密保護與全區碼了。借助於AnyDVD ,市面上的拷貝工具,諸如CloneDVD ,品尼高即時複製, InterVideo公司的DVD -複製等,才能夠複製帶有的CSS加密保護的電影。借助於AnyDVD ,你可以隨意使用任何的DVD播放軟體播放任何區域碼的電影!
AnyDVD不僅解密的DVD : AnyDVD還允許你播放,複製和翻制帶有複製保護的音樂光碟!AnyDVD當然可以做到更多。例如,它可以控制的DVD光驅的轉速,從而使你在電腦上觀看的DVD時取得更少的噪聲!
Changes in version, 2010 02 06:
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Faster response time when changing settings during scan in progress
* New (Blu-ray): Updated decryption keys
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
* New (Blu-ray): Added support for new structural protection
- New (Blu-ray): Added workaround for District 9 (US) playback problem with PowerDVD
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): CSS archive now stores layer break VTS key for increased performance
- New (DVD): CSS keys are always stored, regardless of the "Use CSS archive" setting
* New (DVD): Added workaround to AnyDVD ripper for "Angel & Demons (rental)", Japan
- New: Added more info to logfile
- New: Information window while AnyDVD is scanning discs
- New: Option to enable / disable this window
- New: Workaround for problems with some VMs and certain drives
- New: Create logfiles for empty drives
- New: Better handling of "files in use" during installation
- Change (DVD): CSS archive is enabled by default
- Change: Replaced AnyDVD "Safe Mode" with "Aggressive I/O Mode".
- Note: Aggressive I/O mode is disabled by default. It might be required with some 3rd party software. Please report which programs require it. Thank you!
- New: Added warning message, if applications requiring "Aggressive I/O Mode" are installed
- New: Added option to disable the "Aggressive I/O Mode" warning message
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner removed non-existant copy protection from "Tomorrow Never Dies", US
* Fix (DVD): AI scanner could mess up chapters with some discs, e.g. "Odyssey 5", UK
- Fix: Driver verifier problem with ElbyCDIO.sys
- Fix: Various potential crashes
- Fix: Changing a disc could be missed while AnyDVD is scanning a disc in another drive
- Fix: Disabling power saving didn't always work
* Some minor fixes and improvements
* Updated languages

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