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Office Password Unlocker v4.0 破解MS Office文件密碼工具~免安裝

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ken000 發表於 2010-2-7 17:12:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
軟體名稱: Office Password Unlocker
軟體版本: v4.0 Portable
軟體大小: 10.6 MB
軟體功能: 密碼破解
下載方式: hattp

一個密碼恢復軟體,它能將丟失的所有 MS Office 製作的文檔(Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Project, Money, PowerPoint, Visio, Publisher, OneNote, Backup, Schedule+, Mail)的密碼找回。
• Recover passwords for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint
• Recover both Password to Open and Password to Modify
• Support Office of all versions from 97 to 2007
• Support both multiple processors and multiple cores
• Fast in recovering b passwords
• 3 attacks available: brute-force attack, dictionary attack and brute-force with mask attack
• Able to customize a password mask to minimize the recovery time if any part of the password is known
• Allowed to create a dictionary for the program to base on
• Save the recovery process and resumes if accidentally stopped
• Multiple processors and cores are supported
• Allowed to set the CPU priority for better performance
• Shutdown computer a

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