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BitComet 1.18_最多人使用的BT程式~最新版

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le2712 發表於 2010-1-22 02:21:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:BitComet 1.18
【檔案大小】:6.40 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ depositfiles
BitComet是基於 BitTorrent協議的高效p2p文件分享免費軟體(俗稱BT下載客戶端),支援多任務下載,文件有選擇的下載;磁碟快取,減小對硬碟的損傷;只需一個監聽端口,方便手工防火墻和NAT/Router設置;在WindowsXP下能自動設置支援Upnp的NAT和XP防火墻,續傳做種免掃描,速度限制等多項實用功能,以及自然方便的使用界面.
BitComet(比特彗星)是一個完全免費的BitTorrent(BT)下載管理軟體,也稱BT下載客戶端,同時也是一個集BT/HTTP /FTP為一體的下載管理器.BitComet(比特彗星)擁有多項領先的BT下載技術,有邊下載邊播放的獨有技術,也有方便自然的使用界面.最新版又將 BT技術應用到了普通的HTTP/FTP下載,可以通過BT技術加速您的普通下載.
Changes in BitComet 1.18, 2010.01.20:
    GUI Improved: display the properties of multiple tasks will show a task statistics dialog
    GUI Improved: drag&drop a Magnet URI or HTTP URL to main window of BitComet will launch a download
    GUI Improved: add legend to the piece map tab of task
    GUI Improved: new setting in advanced page of option dialog: system.use_app_data, detailed info refer to wiki
    GUI Improved: display error message when failed to load/save task list xml file
    GUI Improved: new command in context menu of tracker list: add tracker
    GUI Improved: new setting in connection page of option dialog: randomize port each start
    GUI Improved: display "added date" in torrent history, and hide "snapshots", "comments", "rating", "popular" by default
    GUI Improved: display translator info in about dialog
    GUI Improved: enhance BHO, display BitComet icon in context menu of IE8
    GUI Improved: enhance video downloader extension for Firefox, display captured files in Tools menu besides in context menu
    GUI Improved: new setting in BT task page of option dialog: display task properties dialog after torrent downloaded from Magnet URI
    GUI Improved: display batch download dialog when multiple torrents selected to download in Torrent Exchange
    GUI Bugfix: when shutdown scheduled at specified time, shutdown will still be launched when all download finished
    GUI Bugfix: error occurred when non-admin user try to modify IE integration setting under Vista/Win7
    GUI Bugfix: task properties dialog displayed incorrectly for right-to-left languages, e.g. Arabic and Hebrew
    GUI Bugfix: the setting of shutdown at specified time does not take effect at first time
    Core Improve: save bak files for task list xml file up to 7 copies
    Core Improve: update BitTorrent client identification code
    Core Improve: the BT tasks which haven't downloaded torrent will not enter the task queue
    Core Bugfix: enhance the stability of UDP transport
    Core Bugfix: enhance the stability of HTTP proxy connection

jiangwoei 發表於 2010-1-28 22:47:11 | 只看該作者
mikuliu77 發表於 2010-5-27 21:35:16 | 只看該作者
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