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Spyware Doctor with Antivirus v7.0.0.514最強反間諜,木馬,廣告軟體

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ken000 發表於 2009-12-16 13:40:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:PC Tools Spyware Doctor
【軟體版本】:2010 v7.0.0.514 Full

SpywareDoctor 是一個先進的反間諜軟體、廣告軟體的程序,它可以檢查並從你的電腦移除間諜軟體、
廣告軟體、木馬程序、鍵盤記錄器和追蹤威脅。SpywareDoctor 可以讓你移除、忽略或隔離識別出來的間諜軟體。
它有一個選項使系統免除數百種的隱私威脅,而且也能在 Windows啟動時做快速的檢查和識別潛在的威脅,並列表提醒你。
What's New in Spyware Doctor 7.0 :
  • NEW! ThreatFire? Behavioral Intelligence features next-generation technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
  • NEW! Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks, including phishing attempts, rogueware scare tactics and silent drive-by downloads, using a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive dynamic content analysis technologies.
  • NEW! State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
  • NEW! Browser Guard stops 'drive-by' downloads of fake AV or malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
  • NEW! Protection Statistics Report informs you of how PC Tools has protected your PC over the last 30 days.
  • IMPROVED! Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
  • IMPROVED! Built on a modular architecture which utilizes a diverse range of technologies that detect, block and remove threats attempting to compromise your PC.
  • IMPROVED! Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
  • Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.

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