Walk up to a bunch of technology fans and ask them to name the top
makers of CPUs on the computer market and most will say Intel and
AMD. These two firms offer multiple core CPUs for the consumer and
enterprise markets with current offerings heading towards six-cores
per CPU. A company called Tilera has announced a new Tile-GX CPU
that promises much more than AMD and Intel have right now.
The Tile-GX is a 100-core CPU that is aimed at use in the enterprise
market. The CPU is optimized for use in services that host web-related
functions like indexing, web search, and video search. The CPU has the
attributes of a typical general purpose CPU and can run the Linux OS
and apps commonly used to serve web data.
Tilera reports that the CPU can be ran alone or as a coprocessor to
another x86 CPU. The 100-core CPU will reportedly draw about 55W
of power at maximum performance. The 100-core beauty won’t ship
until early 2011 and when it does, the price is pegged at $400 to $1000
per CPU depending on volume.