Good ol’ Steve Ballmer has been known to let the cat out of the bag a
few times with new items and accessories coming from Redmond. This
week Ballmer seemingly hinted that Microsoft would be offering up a
Blu-ray accessory for the Xbox 360. That was a surprising little hint
considering Microsoft has long said it would not bring Blu-ray to the Xbox.
Major Nelson now reports that Ballmer wasn’t talking about the Xbox 360
when he made those comments. According to the publication, Ballmer
was talking about Blu-ray accessories for the PC not for the Xbox.
Microsoft still has no plans to add Blu-ray to the Xbox 360.
The Xbox don’t need no stinkin’ Blu-ray anyhow as it will become the
first console “very soon” to offer instant on streaming of 1080p HD
movies. That little gem will undoubtedly be a feature offered through
Netflix, which only tends to offer older flicks and TV shows for instant
streaming. Get Netflix to offer up day and date new releases in 1080p
HD resolution and then you won’t need Blu-ray Microsoft. Give me flicks
that are weeks or months old and I will have already seen them in HD
on my PS3.
喜的是...還好我沒有Xbox360 |