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[主機板區 MOBOs] [XF] ASUS P7P55D Premium + Marvell SSD SATA 6Gb/s controller: ROCK YOUR HDD NOW

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admin 發表於 2009-10-22 02:09:32 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

ASUS P7P55D Premium 推出了業界第一款 SATA 6Gb/s controller HOST ~ ROCK YOUR HDD NOW
在資料傳輸的領域中,已經很久沒有令人興奮的東西了,現階段玩家們追求資料的高速傳輸,通常都是以磁碟陣列(RAID)的方式居多,不是用主機板內建的南橋控制器(譬如說ICH10R),就是直接外接RAID卡,雖然速度一樣有明顯地提升,但是對於口袋銀兩不夠的玩家來說,還是有不少遺憾。昨天下午(10/6),愛德華與幾位站上的好朋友,前往華碩北投總部瞭解一下華碩與Marvell在SATA 6Gb/s傳輸上的突破性效能,華碩的人員也為XF特別Demo了一台以P7P55D Premium加上Marvell特製SSD的平台,現場展示SATA 6Gb/s的驚人效能,除此之外,也展示了Seagate SATA 6Gb/s硬碟的性能表現,請有興趣的玩家們繼續看下去吧!
In the high speed data transfer field, usually we use the RAID to speed up the HDD transfer, like ICH10R from Intel chipset, or internal RAID card. Although the speed is good in most of the case, but if you got no money in the wallet, you can just only watch the speed and sign. Yesterday we went to ASUS HQ in Taiwan for the ASUS P7P55D Premium Demo platform, the Marvell bring us the latest SATA 6Gb/s solution with a special SSD, not only the best spec we can get now, also show us the incredible speed by SATA 6Gb/s, now just follow the pics and feel it :)
本次Demo所用的平台:華碩ASUS P7P55D Premium + Marvell特製SSD + Marvell 9123 SATA 6Gb/s控制器
The Demo Platform: ASUS P7P55D Premium + Marvell solution (SSD+9123 SATA 6Gb/s Controller)
測試的主角:Marvell SSD 工程樣品(使用Marvell自家的晶片解決方案)、Seagate SATA 6Gb/s硬碟(500GB)
Target: Marvell's Engineer SSD, Seagate SATA 6Gb/s HDD (500GB)
第一張圖,HDTACH測試,就讓現場的人格外興奮:Marvell 88SE9123 + 自家晶片SSD,順利突破300MB/s傳輸關卡,來到340.2MB/s,連續讀取速度也超過290MB/s
Exciting performance, Marvell 88SE9123 + Marvell's SSD, break the bottleneck of the SATA 3Gb/s, it is surely the spec of the SATA 6Gb/s. reachs 340MB/s
HD Tune Pro測試,如同心電圖般的測試數據,最高可達308.8MB/s(讀取速度)
HD Tune Pro Testing, like the dead man electrocardiogram, reachs 308.8MB/s (read).
HD Tune Pro Random Access測試,雖然IOPS並非格外出色,但是平均傳輸速度還是一樣驚人,最高來到了298MB/s之多。
HD Tune Pro Random Access testing, the IOPS is normal actually (may it use MLC die), bu the average speed is good too.
Seagate SATA 6Gb/s硬碟 500GB,Burst效能也達到了297.4MB/s左右。
Seagate SATA 6Gb/s HDD 500GB testing under HDTACH.
Seagate SATA 6Gb/s硬碟 500GB在HD Tune Pro下的測試表現。
Seagate SATA 6Gb/s HDD 500GB testing under HD Tune Pro.
同場加映:自製的SLC SSD 60GB...(Indilinx+Intel SLC顆粒)
Additional: my own SLC SSD 60GB... (Indilinx + Intel SLC Die)
傳輸速度一樣,不過卡在SATA 3G/bs規格,速度上不去。
Seems stuck on the SATA 3Gb/s bottleneck.
HD Tune Pro測試成績,可以作為參考。
Just For your reference: HD Tune Pro testing.
Random Access,IOPS因為SLC顆粒關係,提升非常多。
Random Access, due to the SLC die, the IOPS is very good actually.
整體來說,華碩與Marvell已經聯手將SATA 6Gb/s規格引進了主流主機板市場,根據Marvell表示,目前在HOST端(也就是在主機板上的晶片)已經完全Ready,加上目前已經有業者推出了支援SATA 6Gb/s規格的硬碟產品,SATA 6Gb/s能否為儲存市場帶來另外一波高潮,相信玩家們心中也有了答案,Marvell相關人員也表示,其實目前的測試表現還算保守,以HDTACH測試而言,突破400MB/s的傳輸速度,在Lab中已經順利完成,接下來只等各家協力廠商推出對應產品,玩家們聽了會不會很期待呢?給各位做參考!!!~
All of all, now ASUS and Marvell already open the doors to the SATA 6Gb/s spec. According to the Marvell related, now they already prepared well on the host (on motherboard), and now the HDD company already released the SATA 6Gb/s spec. HDD to the market, so the SATA 6Gb/s will be a hot topic for all kinds of storage products. Also the Marvell related said they already reach 400MB/s in their Lab testing, so...surely it is a very exciting moment for your storage device, watch your wallet :))))

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