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UpdatePack7R2-22.12.14 for Win7 SP1 Windows系統更新包(812MB@RAR@多空間)

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hibye3721 發表於 2022-12-16 06:47:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【檔案名稱】:UpdatePack7R2-22.12.14 for Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1

設定允許您更新工作系統,並在分發中集成軟體更新。 可以安裝在任何版本的 Windows 7 和 Server 2008 R2,任何數位和任何一種語言。 包括所有版本的Internet Explorer的更新,所有關鍵、推薦和安全更新。 在開發者的網站上查看詳細信息。

系統必須在硬盤驅動器上至少有5 GB的可用空間,最好不小於1 GB的RAM。

For flexible installation set, you can use the following keys and key combinations:
Key / Reboot to automatically restart if it is required.
Key / S to completely silent install with no windows and messages. Case is significant.
Key / Silent passive installation – you can see the progress, but the installation is fully automatic.
Key / IE11 for installation of Internet Explorer 11 and its localization.
Key / Temp = allows you to specify a temporary working directory. He does not have to be empty, but must exist.
Key / NoSpace allows you to skip checking free space on the system partition is not recommended.

You want to automatically install all updates, IE11, and restart your computer: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 / silent / reboot
Private need to install all the updates to existing products, the version of IE does not change, the computer does not restart: UpdatePack7R2.exe / S
The following keys are designed to integrate the updates in this distribution:
Key / WimFile = specifies the location of wim-file, you must specify an absolute path.
Key / Index = indicates an index system wim-file for each index is necessary to perform the integration again.
Key / Index = * allows you to integrate in turn updates all indexes wim-file.
Before specifying the index is useful to execute the command: Dism / Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\install.wim (replace the path to your own).
Not all updates can be integrated (see table), but they do not affect the safety of the system.
Need to integrate IE11 and all updates to the index 1: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = 1
Need to integrate IE11 and all updates to all indexes: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = *
Need to integrate only the updates to existing products, do not change the version of IE: UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\install.wim / Index = 1

Additional Functionality
You can automatically install SP1, if it is not installed on your system. To do this, place the files Windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe and Windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe in the same directory with the set.
If there is a set of UpdatePack7R2Start.cmd – it will be done before installing the updates, UpdatePack7R2Finish.cmd – after installation, UpdatePack7R2Wim.cmd – after the integration of updates. By default, the console window will be displayed. To hide them, the first line in the cmd-file must begin with ": hide" (without the quotes). An update rollup monitors the exit code of cmd-file, in case you need to reboot. This code is 3010 (3010 exit command).
If you want to apply your tweaks after you install Internet Explorer 11 on a working system, locate the folder with the file set ie11.reg and it will be imported automatically.
Some keys can be replaced by the renaming of the file set. So to install IE11, you can add the word "ie11" in any place of the file name set, "-" for the automatic reboot and "++" passive installation.
You want to automatically install the system for working with IE11 and reboot: Rename UpdatePack7R2.exe in UpdatePack7R2 – ie11 ++. Exe
It is absolutely the same as using the following keys: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 / silent / reboot

The size distribution (wim-file) will be increased by the size of installed updates.
Integrated update can be removed, even after installation.
It is recommended to unload from memory resident antivirus monitor for the duration of the set.
A detailed log of the updates is in the file% WinDir% \ UpdatePack7.log.

Changes in version
Added KB3212646-x86-x64 to disconnect the telemetry (replaces the KB3207752-x86-x64)

System requirements:
• Windows 7 SP1 (x86 / x64)
• Server 2008 R2 SP1


01. 直接執行 UpdatePack7R2-22.12.14.exe 安裝程式







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