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[ASUS 華碩] [XF] P55近距離+全球首度曝光:華碩「P7P55 Pro」主機板

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XF-Edward 發表於 2009-5-22 00:46:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
[XF] P55近距離+全球首度曝光:華碩「P7P55 Pro」主機板

[XF] Close Look on P55: ASUS "P7P55 PRO" hits the road
「P55」這個字眼,相信硬體玩家們應該都已經聽到、也看到了不少相關的資料了。在X58、LGA 1366平台大量曝光之後,Intel已經用了好幾年的LGA 775平台,也即將走到終點。雖然說P55只是Intel  5-Series Express Chipset家族中的成員之一,後續還有P57、H55、H57、Q55即將面試,但根據可靠消息來源指出,首批LGA 1156腳位的CPU將有5款會於09年9月進入市場,而內建顯示功能的LGA 1156腳位CPU,則是可能在2010年1月左右再釋出5款,在Intel的規劃下,玩家們一定不可不知接下來的硬體上的變化。今天Edward從華碩這邊取得了即將在Computex大會中展示的主機板:華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO,雖然硬體配置與配色的部份都還不是最終版本,量產前都還可能更改,不過相信大家都對P55主機板可能的規劃,一定都有不小的興趣吧?搶先為各位報導,請接著看下去吧!

We already heard lots of rumors about the Intel P55 Express Chipset and also can easily get data from Google. But after massive exposure on X58/LGA 1366, most of the HW Geeks pay attention on the LGA 775: is it time to change to LGA 1156? Although the P55 is the member in the Intel 5-Series Express Chipset family, we still have P57/H55/H57/Q55 chipset to meet later. According to the source, in Sept. 09, Intel will  release the Lynnfield in 5 diffrent model, and then release 5 Havendale CPU in Jan. 10, so if you are a crazy HW Geek, you have to read more about this. Today Edward just got the lastest ASUS Mobo for the Computex 09: ASUS "P7P55 PRO", it is not a final version and the layout may change on formal release, but you should know the possible layout now, just reply and get the pics you want. :)

華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO 主機板,特別拍了一張大圖給各位看看。

ASUS P7P55 PRO MOBO, this is a big pic on it, the color mainly use the black + blue for all.
CPU周圍特寫,中間為LGA  1156腳座,為FOXCONN製作,採用日系高品質固態電容,銀灰色的外殼,相當少見;

CPU Socket close look, LGA 1156 is in the middle by the FOXCONN, with lots of Japan-Cap and color in gray, rare seen before;
MOSFET comes with the irregualr heatsink, looks like 11 Phases, but I can not give more details on that.

Close look on Cap and Choke.
LGA 1156腳位的開啟方式:首先推開拉柄,輕輕往上拉。

Now show you the LGA 1156's design: pull out the handle.

You will see the socket is going up.

We can install the CPU now...there is a small cap on it.
LGA 1156內部全貌,實際大小比LGA 1366小大約20%左右。

Close look on LGA 1156, the size is about 80% of the LGA 1366.
不過看來Intel也有針對LGA 1366蓋子過於緊繃的問題加以修正。

Single-Side installation, I still have no time to use the ES Lynnfield on it,
but I believe Intel know the LGA 1366 problem: TOO TIGHT and HURT MY CPU !!
記憶體插槽部份,採用4 DIMM DDR3 SLOT,這當然是因為LGA 1156支援雙通道DDR3而設計的。

4 DIMM DDR3 SLOT with Dual-Channel, it is not surprised, Lynnfield is not like the Bloomfield.

The DIMM Slot also comes with a single-side installation function/2 Phases here.
華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO的字樣。

The Logo of ASUS P7P55 PRO.
慢速週邊部份,IDE採90度轉折設計,SATA Port位置較低,故採用正常設計,沒有VGA干涉的問題;

Peripheral Part, IDE have a 90 degrees desgin for the VGA card issue,
but the sata ports are lower than 2 PCI-E Slot, so it's not a big problem to design the SATA port like a normal on;
The chip behide the IDE is JMB363, you can also see the white line surrounded the chipset, the layout or heatsink may change on formal release.
華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO提供2組PCI-E x16介面,中間卡了2組PCI-E x1介面,另有3組PCI插槽︰

Provide 2* PCI-E x16 and 2*PCI-E x1 between them, and there are also 3 PCI Slot here, the sound part takes the VIA solution.
P7P55的Rear Panel部份。連同主機板上的3組USB內接腳座,P55一次可支援14組USB 2.0裝置,這邊則另有IEEE 1394與e-SATA接頭。

Rear Panel, P55 can support 14 USB2.0 device, and you can also see the IEEE 1394 6-pin and e-SATA here.


Take out the heatsink and have a close look on P55...
仍為ES版本的Ibex Peak單晶片Intel P55 Express Chipset

Ibex Peak single-chip: Intel P55 Express Chipset, ES version now.


Final thinking:

Watch your wallet, P55 is coming !!

以目前手上這張華碩ASUS P7P55 PRO主機板的配置而言,產品應該已經相當接近量產的階段了。以已知的Intel Roadmap來看,近期會以尚未具備內顯功能的Lynnfield處理器打先鋒,而具備內顯功能的Havendale處理器,則可能會依據實際銷售狀況伺機而動,不過P55則是兩者均能支援,且屆時Intel 5-Series Express Chipset家族也一定會依據市場需求逐一釋出。不過就Edward的看法來說,在實際效能未知之前,手上有P45/P35/X48/X38的玩家們,不妨耐心等待一下,因為目前已經有小道消息傳出,LGA1156的效能相較於LGA775平台而言,並沒有太多驚喜,剩下的...就等Edward親自測試一下才知道囉!


pertonas 發表於 2009-5-22 00:50:27 | 只看該作者
OH MY GOD~~~~~~~~~
插最快 發表於 2009-5-22 00:55:39 | 只看該作者
原帖由 XF-Edward 於 2009-5-22 00:46 發表
P55近距離+全球首度曝光:華碩「P7P55 Pro」主機板


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sxs112.tw 發表於 2009-5-22 01:02:34 | 只看該作者
ghost610 發表於 2009-5-22 01:05:52 | 只看該作者
ASUS P55 配色真是特別

不過還是比較期待 P7P55 Deluxe的出現:)...
nickshih 發表於 2009-5-22 01:09:19 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ghost610 於 2009-5-22 01:05 發表
ASUS P55 配色真是特別

不過還是比較期待 P7P55 Deluxe的出現:)...

這不見得是最後的LAYOUT 設計 , 不過距離final retail version 應該不遠嚕
kill0210 發表於 2009-5-22 01:09:50 | 只看該作者
SATA 怎麼不是轉90度的...而且排列很醜 現在高階版子 幾乎都把SATA轉90度 避免卡到顯示卡的說...
而且轉90度的SATA 比較不會積灰塵,這張配色比P6T好多了,黑橘實在有點難看。
tvgs 發表於 2009-5-22 01:12:05 | 只看該作者
sxs112.tw 發表於 2009-5-22 01:13:25 | 只看該作者

朝All Blue邁進:)...
kenauron 發表於 2009-5-22 01:14:15 | 只看該作者
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