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Farsight Calculator 3.6_不得不推荐高級計算機_便攜式

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le2712 發表於 2009-5-20 14:59:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:Farsight Calculator 3.6_便攜式
【檔案大小】:2.78 MB
Farsight Calculator 是一個易於使用的可編程計算器,讓您保存您的計算過程的程序或功能,並執行任何算術運算的逆波蘭(反向波蘭符號)或抗淋巴細胞球蛋白(代數) mode.More超過100功能支持,包括代數,三角,雙曲,日期,統計,金融functions.In此外Farsight計算器包含了一套功能強大的工具,如“財務方塊” , “日期計算” , “單位轉換”等
- Solve your calculation problems
Farsight Calculator supports more than one hundred functions (including algebraic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, date, statistical and financial functions), and contains a set of powerful tools, such as "Finance Box", "Date Calculations" and "Unit Convertor".
- Avoid repetitive calculations and save your time
Farsight Calculator can save your calculation processes as programs or functions, so you can reuse these calculations at any time in the future.
- Promote your blog or website
Farsight Calculator allows you to create your own calculators (each as an executable file, about 500 KB in size). You can put the logo and URL of your blog or website on its main window, and submit it to download sites to promote your site.

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