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    [電競/遊戲] 《心靈詭宅》2018 年 11 月 1 日上市 PS4將推出中文版

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    XF-News 發表於 2018-8-23 15:52:29 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

    Ubisoft 宣佈心理驚悚遊戲《心靈詭宅》預定 2018 年 11 月 1 日於亞洲推出PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Windows PC版本,並支援PlayStation VR、Oculus Rift、HTC Vive。

    PS4版本將發行中文版。由 Ubisoft 蒙特婁工作室與 Elijah Wood、Daniel Noah 及 John C. Waller 共創的製片公司 SpectreVision 合作開發的的《心靈詭宅》,將邀請玩家加入一個神祕的心靈世界。

    《心靈詭宅》Gamescom 2018實機遊玩展示

    「媒體給我們的正面反應,以及玩家萬分期待的表現,讓我們感到信心滿滿。」《心靈詭宅》製作人 Kévin Racap 表示。「與 SepctreVision 這樣人才濟濟的團隊合作讓我們獲得了空前的成就,我們很興奮VR 及 非 VR 平台的玩家都可以很快就玩到這款遊戲。」


    如欲取得《心靈詭宅》的進一步資訊,請造訪:https://www.transferencegame.com;關於Ubisoft最新遊戲資訊,請訂閱 Ubisoft 官方中文 Facebook 專頁 facebook.com/Ubisoft.TWN或造訪官方中文 YouTube 頻道 youtube.com/UbisoftSEA

    關於 Ubisoft
    Ubisoft 是開發、發行與經銷互動式娛樂遊戲與服務的領導廠商,旗下擁有豐富多元的全球知名品牌包括《刺客教條》、《瘋狂兔子》、《湯姆克蘭西》電玩系列、《極地戰嚎》、《看門狗》、《舞力全開》等暢銷作品;遍及全球各地的開發工作室與辦事處團隊,致力於在所有熱門遊戲平台包含家用遊樂器主機、行動裝置以及 PC 上,帶來最純粹、最深刻的遊戲體驗。

    Ubisoft 於 2017-18 會計年度內的營業額為 17 億 3 千 2 百萬歐元,欲索取更多公司資訊,請瀏覽 www.ubisoft.com


    Founded in 2010 by partners Elijah Wood, Daniel Noah and Josh C. Waller, SpectreVision was created to tell character-driven stories tackling emotional and human experiences that test the boundaries of the genre space. In 2015, Lisa Whalen joined the company as the fourth partner.

    The SpectreVision productions of A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, Cooties, Open Windows, The Boy and their latest cult hit, The Greasy Strangler, have earned them spots at the most prestigious festivals in the world, as well as numerous awards and nominations. SpectreVision has also released, under its SpectreVision Presents banner, the acclaimed films, Toad Road, LFO and, in partnership with Cinefamily, the enormously successful restoration and re-release of the lost animated classic, Belladonna of Sadness.

    SpectreVision has expanded its focus, with new and exciting forays into the worlds of television and digital media, and has a partnership to create virtual reality content with Ubisoft. At the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, SpectreVision's parent entity, Company X, premiered their first production, Bitch, which sold to MPI.

    © 2018 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Transference, the Transference logo, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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