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Foxit Reader Pro 2.3.4015_PDF瀏覽最快境界_免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2009-4-18 23:57:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:Foxit Reader Pro 2.3.4015_免安裝
【檔案大小】:5.48 MB
Foxit Reader–免安裝的PDF閱讀工具,它小巧免安裝的便利性,只要下載完之後解壓縮,便可以用他來瀏覽PDF檔,放在隨身碟也很方便,因此受到很多人的喜愛,就體積來講,跟Adobe Reader相較之下,它顯得相當「瘦小」,就功能面來講,它跟PDF-XChange Viewer類似,都可以在文件上作註解,但限制較多,如何抉擇或搭配,就看你的喜好囉!
What's new in Version 2.3:
New features:
* Bookmark Design: Makes it possible to have your own bookmarks. Users can create, edit, or delete bookmarks in a PDF file if the security settings allow.
* Multi-tab Browsing: Enables users to open multiple files in a single instance.You can choose to view PDFs in a multi-tab window or multiple instances by setting documents layout from the Preferences dialog.
* Multimedia Player Support: Supports many media formats including audio and video. Read multimedia ebooks with Foxit Reader 2.3.
* Callout and Text box Tool: Creates comments in a callout text box or a box. You can also define their appearance as other commenting tools.
* Commenting Text Tool: Enables users to add most types of text edits by right-clicking on the selected text, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly and replacement. You can also use the Commenting Text Tool to add bookmarks for PDF files.
* Rulers and Guides: Provides horizontal and vertical ruler guides to help users align and position objects on the page. Right-clicking on the ruler enables you to change the unit of measurement.
* Magnifier: Magnifies areas of the PDF files easily as you work on Foxit Reader.
* Automatic Scrolling: Allows users to view documents without using mouse actions or keystrokes.
* OCG Support: Enables the user to view related content stored in a variable number of separate layers.
* FDF Related: Opens FDF files directly with Foxit Reader without any import implementations.
Enhanced features:
* Optimized Rendering:Supports progressive rendering and significantly reduces the response time from the user interface events.
* Improved Link Tools:Allows users to add actions to links, such as go to a page view, open or execute a file, open a web link, etc.
* Improved Snapshot:Enables users to print the selected area in Foxit Reader by simply selecting the Print option from the context menu.
* Search Enhancement:Allows users to float, move and resize the Full Foxit Search box.
* Better Annotation control:Groups drawing markups to help users operate objects collectively, and allows users to move annotations through pages.
* Font Information:Lists the fonts and the font types used in the original document in the Properties dialog.
* Updated Command Line:Allows users to open password protected PDF documents with a simple command prompt.
* Streamlined UI:A completely redesigned UI with a new look and feel makes Foxit Reader more intuitive than ever before.
* Many bug fixes.

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