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MOA 2009 歐洲區賽事以舉行

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admin 發表於 2009-4-1 19:56:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

【MOA 2009】The brief introduction of European OC online selection & Live qualifier event
To continue the OC spirit of MOA 2008, MSI, the leading motherboard manufaturer,is organizing the regional OC competition and Grand Final - MOA 2009. The first step is for european countries, which contain online selection and the EU qualifier event.

The online selection will be started from May 15 and lasted for one month. The winners of each european country will go to Germany for EU qualifier event (July 10-12),and the top 6 groups will be invited to join MOA 2009 Grand Final (Early September).

The regulation and details will be announced before the middle of April, and MSI is pleased to invite all top overclockers to compete for the worldwide OC championship!

MOA 2009 歐洲區賽事以舉行

延續 MSI MOA 2008精神 , 將在歐洲各區舉辦2009年 MOA線上超頻選拔賽,歐洲各地區冠軍將會在2009年七月10~12號前往德國比賽,前六名將會到2009年9月前去 MOA 2009 總決賽.
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