【軟體名稱】:Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio 15.73 - New
【檔案大小】:15.3 MB
粒子,過濾器,腳本記錄,腳本到 AVI,畫板支持,畫刷類型,樣式,紋理,
Changes in version 15.73:
Added - ArtSet Collections - Fractal Design 01. (Pro)
Added - Color Modifier ArtSet. Colors - Combos 01. (Pro)
Added - Mask and Unmask Artist Sketch Pen added to the Art Tools - Masking Tools ArtSet. (Pro)
Improved - When a tablet is not detected do not save stylus settings for brushes. (Pro)
Improved - When using the File > Load From File as New command if the image has transparency it will be loaded into layer 2, otherwise it will be loaded into the background layer.
Improved - When using the File > Load from file into command if the image being loaded is larger than the current page the option to increase the page size if now given.