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[筆電/桌機/伺服器] MSI PR211 YA Edition筆記型電腦 搶眼上市

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admin 發表於 2008-11-25 21:50:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

MSI PR211 YA Edition筆記型電腦 搶眼上市

MSI微星科技推出新一代粉彩三色筆記型電腦PR211 YA Edition。
MSI PR211 YA Edition採用高質感粉彩烤漆外殼,呈現令人驚豔的粉彩魅力!新推出的時尚粉彩三色,包括愛情海藍、WASABI綠、瑪格麗特玫瑰粉紅,色調活潑繽紛、設計輕薄有型,跳脫筆電灰暗沉重的科技感,PR211 YA Edition能滿足你挑剔的眼光,更是您的時尚配件。

除了多變色彩的時尚外型,內建的功能也皆是一時之選。搶先搭載AMD® 行動運算處理器 Turion64™ X2、具有龐大的儲存空間、內建三合一讀卡機、可以讓網路連接無遠弗屆的802.11 b / g/n無線區域網路規格、以及多媒體燒錄機,PR211 YA Edition是您娛樂、工作的最佳夥伴! PR211 YA Edition的色彩魔力,幫您把平凡變的有趣,讓生活更充滿樂趣!

- 繽紛粉彩 超出色
PR211 YA Edition巧妙運用和諧的流線線條大膽採用愛琴海藍、WASABI綠、瑪格麗特玫瑰粉年輕色系,創造出最簡約俐落的質感與出色的風格。再加上細膩的MSI logo,呈現出極致迷人的風采。不僅如此,這樣的別致心裁設計,還落實到了touch pad以及快速鍵區,讓PR211 YA Edition更有時尚整體感,不會漏掉任何一個的細節處理。

- 12吋鎂合金 超輕盈

- 運作表現 超效率
PR211 YA Edition搭載最新AMD® 行動運算處理器 Turion64™ X2,先進的行動運算技術帶來頂尖運算效能,極致動力讓您工作滿分、娛樂盡興。在多媒體配備上,內建三合一讀卡機,以及多媒體燒錄機,只要將數位相機記憶卡或數位攝影機連接至電腦,即可透過隨機負贈的專業軟體,輕輕鬆鬆三步驟簡單完成高畫質相片光碟的編輯,或是影音DVD的製作。在網路能力上,PR211 YA Edition提供廣為大家採用的802.11 b / g/n無線區域網路規格,無論您在咖啡廳、校園、辦公室或機場,都能隨時透過無線網路與世界接軌,最新消息不漏接!除此之外,PR211 YA Edition還具備藍芽無線功能,連接手機、耳機或PDA等裝置再也不需要另外攜帶連接線了!從此告別剪不斷、理還亂的糾結線路。

- ACV鏡面寬螢幕 超艷麗
另外,PR210YA Edition也搭載微星獨家ACV螢幕亮麗鏡面液晶螢幕,可以讓顯示畫面呈現出更自然豐富的色彩及清晰逼真的影像,不失真的細緻畫面讓閱讀更輕鬆,即使長時間的使用PR211 YA Edition,你的眼睛也不會感到不適。

- 獨家ECO Engine 超節能
PR211 YA Edition採用全新的獨家ECO Engine技術,具備傑出的筆記型電腦省電能力,透過此電源管理功能,使用者將可以依據不同的使用情況,調整筆記型電腦的耗電模式,以延長電池的使用時間。透過ECO觸控式的快捷按鍵,使用者可以根據不同的作業,自由選擇電玩、電影欣賞、簡報、文書和Turbo Battery等5種模式,根據不同的模式,系統則會自動調整不同亮度和處理器資源等設定,以延長電池使用時間。此外,您只要輕按”ECO OFF”的功能鍵,就可以恢復到原始的設定模式。

- HDMI 數位影音端子 超便利

溝通暢快 娛樂在我
- 內建AI Array高品質麥克風
PR211 YA Edition配備的AI Array MIC,具有環場收音效果的特性,可以有效降低惱人的迴音並排除四周環境的雜音干擾〈例如:喇叭或音樂的干擾〉;另外,您也不需要固定在麥克風前面,可以自由的走動。無論在工作上的視訊會議、休閒時使用的Skype 、線上遊戲,以及錄製功能上,AI Array MIC都能讓您獲得最理想的通話品質。

- 內建兩百萬超高畫素視訊攝影機

- 選配內建DTV數位電視接收器

MSI微星科技筆記型電腦,以做為消費者最值得信賴的筆記型電腦品牌為目標,長期以來致力於提升消費者的使用經驗,並秉持著「設計的突破、品質的追求、技術的創新」原則,不斷自我期許,同時在市場上立下許多創舉,如推出研發獨家的Turbo Power、ECO Engine、Cinema Pro技術,而且還是全世界第一家獲得杜比環繞音效認證的筆電廠商。


微星科技筆記型電腦目前已經推出6個系列的筆記型電腦,以滿足不同使用者的需求,包括Gaming Series、Aesthetics Series、Professional Series、Entertainment Series、Ultra Portable and Value Series。

CPU Configuration
Support Type
AMD Turion™X2 Ultra dual-Core/ Sempron Mobile processor

Windows Vista® Home Premium

Ati RS780M+SB700
LCD Resolution

12.1" 1280x800 WXGA
Ati Radeon Mobility HD3200

share with system memory
DDR2 667/800MHz

DDR2 SO-DIMMx2 slot

Internal Microphone

56K Fax/Modem

Gigabit LAN


Wireless LAN
802.11 b/g/n
Express Card
IEEE 1394

E-SATA (USB combo)

3 in 1 (Support SD,MMC,MS)



Audio Jack
Mic-in/Headphone out


TV Tuner

Fingerprint reader
160/250/320 GB SATA

Optical Drive

4/8 cells

87 keys
AC Adaptor

Dimension (WxDxH)
303 x 231 x 16-29mm

Full System weight
Color Option

Denim blue, Wasabi green, Coral pink


Color Magic, Color up your Life!
The MSI PR211 YA Edition Notebook Computer is Ready for You

【Taipei】MSI today announces the latest PR211 YA Edition in three brilliant colors.

Ignoring the cold and less interesting black, the MSI PR211 YA Edition is embracing the Magic of Colors turning the mundane into fun and exciting lives! The PR211 YA Edition has selected the very best fluorescent paint on the exterior to present the most surprising charisma of colors! The new edition includes 3 different colors of Denim Blue, Coral Pink, and WASABI Green. The colors are lively and brilliant; the design is light and attractive. Escaping the dark and less interesting technological feel of notebook computers. The PR211 YA Edition can satisfy your every need, and it is also a fashion accessory.   

memory space, build-in 3 in 1 Card Reader, the very best 802.11 b / g/n wireless internet connection, and a multimedia burner drive. The PR211 YA Edition is your perfect partner in work and fun, embracing the magic of colors turning the mundane into fun and exciting lives.  

Ultra-hip design
- Outstanding in Brilliant Coloring
The PR211 YA Edition integrated ingenious designs with the youthful colors of Denim Blue, Coral Pink, and WASABI Green creating slickness in quality and outstanding styling. Added with the exquisite MSI Logo for even more attraction. Furthermore, the concept of design can even be seen on the touch pad and the keyboard. The PR211 is a complete fashion package, not compromising on the smallest details.

- 12” Ultra Lightweight Design with Magnesium Alloy Casing
Equipped with a thin12 inch screen, the body is around 30 centimeters long, 23 centimeters wide. The entire Notebook Computer is less than 1.8 kilograms in weight with the battery. The exterior is made with Magnesium Alloy Casing for lightness and mobility.  

The Smartest and the Quickest Solutions, and it is Also Fun
- Extraordinary Performance
The PR211 YA Edition is embedded with the latest AMD Turion™ X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile Processor, the most advance technology and functions. It can offer you the best assistance at work, and the most fun when you want to be entertained. As for other functions, there is the build-in 3 in 1 Card Reader and the multimedia burner drive so your digital photo and video cameras can be quickly connected with the notebook computer, along with the professional software that comes with your

purchase, finishing up all the editing process in 3 simple steps, and that goes for DVD or audio production as well. As for internet connection, the PR211 YA Edition selected the very best 802.11 b / g/n wireless internet capability, so you can be connected to the cyber world regardless if you are at a café, in school, from your office, or to an airport, never missing a beat. Furthermore, the PR211 YA Edition is equipped with Bluetooth wireless capabilities adaptable to cell phones, headsets, PDA’s, and others. Saying goodbye to all the complicated wirings.  

- Exclusive ECO Engine Power Management System
PR211 YA Edition features MSI exclusive ECO Engine, the outstanding and unique power saving function of MSI Notebook, as the power management function to extend the battery running time while performing different tasks. Simply touch the ECO bottom, PR211 YA Edition is able to switch among the 5 different modes – Gaming mode, Movie mode, Presentation mode, Office mode, and Turbo Battery mode while performing game applications, playing multimedia applications, performing presentation applications, dealing with office documentation tasks, or looking forward to minimizing the battery power consumption. All you have to do is to select lightly on the “ECO OFF” to return to the original setting.

- The ACV (Amazing Crystal Vision) Widescreen Display
ACV technology also gives you the most detailed and intricate images, resulting in high saturation and high definition quality for a luxurious visual sensation that’s easy on the eyes. Even after long periods in front of the PR211 YA Edition, your eyes won’t feel uncomfortable.

- High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDMI not only enables 5Gbps data transfers, but also eliminates the need for signal conversions, ensuring the best quality video. With impeccable video quality, the PR211 YA Edition livens up your presentations and briefings at work with impressive and vivid colors. When off the job, HDMI also offers you the best way to enjoy your favorite movie titles and TV programs.   

Communicate and Entertain Without Distraction
- AI Array MIC
The PR211 YA Edition features an innovative AI Array Microphone that is effective at suppressing ambient noise and reverberation. The AI Array MIC uses a fundamentally different way to process voice, effectively forming a 3-D cone shaped beam in front of the PR211 YA Edition. Any noise outside the beam, whether above or below, will be cancelled out.  The AI Array MIC does not limit your movement when recording or communicating, allowing you to move freely.  Perfect for use with Skype or at your next teleconference, the AI Array MIC offers clean and clear voice communications.

- Built-In 2.0 Mega Pixel Webcam
You can create amazing videos, shoot still photos or add live videos your instant messages while you chat.

- Watch TV Anywhere *
The integrated DTV receiver allows you to watch and record TV programs right on your notebook. Simply connect the antenna and you’ll never have to miss an episode of your favorite TV program again!
* This function is optional, the Digital TV configuration and channels will vary by region.

MSI Notebook’s goal is to become the most trusted name in laptop computers. We have worked hard over the years to enhance the user’s experience. We stand by our principles of breakthroughs in design, the pursuit of excellence, and technological innovation as we have continued to raise the bar for ourselves and have accomplished a great deal of pioneering work in the industry. Examples include developing Turbo Power, ECO Engine and Cinema Pro technologies. MSI Notebook was also the first laptop manufacturer globally to be awarded True Dolby Home Theater Surround Sound certification.
MSI Notebook designs its products with the consumer in mind starting at the R&D stage. To ensure that consumers use MSI laptop computers with peace of mind, each MSI laptop computer undergoes a series of detailed testing before it is shipped from the factory. We test pressure and humidity, shock and vibration as well as the life spans of connector hinges, keyboards, and touch panels. Some of the other tests (around 30 tests in total) include pressure and dropping, I/O connectors, noise, antistatic capabilities, and system performance. We carefully check each detail employing the most rigorous testing standards, so that the consumer uses their new MSI laptop computer knowing that MSI Notebook stands behind its products.
So far, MSI Notebook has introduced 6 series of notebook computers to meet the expectations for every consumer, and they are the Gaming Series, Aesthetics Series, Professional Series, Entertainment Series, Ultra Portable and Value Series.
If you need more product information, please visit https://www.msi.com.tw
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