ASUS最吸睛的耳機就屬這一款: STRIX 7.1 電競耳機
因為 會~發~光~~~
This is the most fantastic ASUS headphone ever for me : STRIX 7.1 Gaming Headphone
趕緊開箱拍照 Let's see the photos
盒子正面: 大盒子拿起來很有滿足感,正面馬上看到兇惡的眼神就知道買對耳機啦^^ Front of the Box: you can see it's a big box with badass eye of the headphone on the cover.
盒子背面:鉅細靡遺的介紹 Back of the BOX: it introduces more details of the STRIX7.1
蓋子是用磁吸式的,打開後可以直接完整的看到耳機本體 There is a magnet in the cover and after you reveal it, you can see the Headphone.
會有一個麥克風可拆式、USB控制盒、HDMI喇叭連接線、USB-Y型連接線 Under the headphone, you can find the accessories : microphone part, USB Control Box, HDMI-speaker cable, USB Y-cable
STRIX控制盒 上面一個旋鈕做"控制"、前面有一個旋鈕選擇"欲控制項目"
我用起來還滿上手的, 拿到耳機第一時間就不看說明書先把玩XD 不過要真正會用耳機還是得要稍微了解一下說明書的內容啦~ the button on the Top of it is for "Mode On/Off switch and parameter control " and the button on the front is for "Mode select" For example, when I want to control the light on the headset: 1. Front button select "LIGHTING", 2. Turn the Top button to select the lighting mode(always on or breathing) you want or click the Top button if you want to close the light.
控制盒底部有ENC開關(環境降噪技術) you can find the ENC switch in the bottom. ENC can reduce the environment noice for Microphones.
盒子側邊是USB輸入跟HDMI輸出(HDMI耳機連線 / HDMI喇叭連線) USB input and HDMI output(Headphone/Speakers) on the side of the BOX
the Design of the gold-plated USB is the same style of STRIX series.
頭戴頂部的伸縮部分套有皮質套墊,上方寫著"(貓頭鷹) STRIX"
the headband is fixed, but still ok for my headsize which is arround 55cm.
you can see the STRIX printed on the softy leather
耳機裡面有多聲道 說明書說是五對銣磁鐵喇叭,我個人不是太在意就是了,
耳罩很軟很舒服,拆下來後也可以感受到橘色薄膜的柔軟 there are five speakers in both sides of the headset. however, the lighting STRIX eye is wonderful and more attractive then STRIX PRO(another headset) for me the ear part is soft and confortable
為了拍出我喜歡的發光,我趕緊把燈光關掉,後來發現它跟我的機殼合起來滿有趣的^^ In order to get the picture of the Lighting eye, I turnoff the lights in the room and found it matched with my computer case^^
lights on~
關燈 lroom ights-off
然後電腦(ex. win7)就可以直接透過USB傳聲音到耳機囉(我電腦沒有接其他喇叭或耳機)
after you connect the USB and heaset properly to the PC and Control box, you should easily start to hear from the headset.(without any other speakers connect to the PC in my using)
Finally, let me put this photo and have a conclusion:
心得: 我需要一個炫砲的耳機架了XDD
My Conclusion : I need a fancy stand for this STRIX 7.1 1. creative and extraordinary design, also powerful performance for the Audio experience. Thanks to the multi channel inside it, I can enjoy the sound more surrounded. this is the one for who want's special gaming headset. 2. the charming STRIX eye bring me good mood everytime I saw it lie on the desk.