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[週邊其他 Others] [XF-鳴戶]HTPC 之 iMON Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) 小曝

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鳴戶 發表於 2008-10-13 02:08:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

iMON VFD市場上最先進的紅外線接收器和VFD顯示模組 .
不僅提供了紅外信號到PC ,更提供各種即時資訊,(VFD液晶顯示模式)  例 : 圖型均衡器、系統信息、媒體資訊、電子郵件檢查、頭條新聞、世界城市時間與天氣等等重要訊息。
iMON VFD is the most advanced IR receiver and VFD display device in the market.
It not only delivers IR signal to PC but also shows various useful information through VFD. It is designed to fit into the 5.25” disk drive bay of PC.
It shows ’Graphical EQ‘, ’System Info‘, ’Media Info‘, ’Email Check‘, ’News‘, ’World City Time & Weather‘ and more.
All the information could be displayed automatically according to the scenario. Of course, user can choose the specific information with remote controller too. And one more feature of this iMON VFD is use can boot a PC with preset schedule. With this scheduled turn on feature, you can listening music or recording TV channel by iMEDIAN.

  • Major Features

Power on by remote controller
Designed to be installed to 5.25” disk drive bay
16*2 high quality VFD installed
Special VFD display mode : ’Graphical EQ‘, ’System Info‘, ’Media Info‘, ’Email Check‘, ’News‘, ’World City Time & Weather‘
Useful and convenient Volume Controllability (Up/Down and mute)
Scheduled Power on

  • Specification

Maximum Signal Reception Distance : 15M
Connection Type : External USB Cable (0.8M), Extension Internal USB Cable (0.08M), M/B power cable, ATX standby power adaptor
Dimension : 149(mm, width) * 90(mm, length) * 40.5(mm, height)
Signal Reception Angle : 45 degree in all directions
Color : Silver, Black and OEM color

  • Appendix

iMON PAD Remote Controller
Extension Internal USB cable (80mm)
ATX standby power adaptor cable (0.8M)


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