Job Opening Announcement
The Department of Economics at National Chengchi University in Taiwan announces its recruitment plan for autumn/2009. The Department has up to two tenured-track teaching and research positions available. Ability to communicate in Chinese and a Ph.D. degree in Economics are required. Application deadline is February 28, 2009. The full application package including recommendation letters should be received before the deadline. (For more information, see
A complete application should include:
1. Application letter,
2. Resume,
3. Photocopies of the applicant’s degrees, or a letter from thesis supervisor to certify that the applicants can meet our degree requirement deadline. The candidates in our first run list should provide a formal letter from their adviser to ensure obtaining Ph.D. degree by the end of June 2009,
4. An official copy of transcript sent directly from the issuing institute(s),
5. Samples of publication, such as degree thesis, referred papers and/or working papers if written in the past five years, and
6. Three recommendation letters sent directly from referees.
Please send your application file to:
Recruiting Committee
Department of Economics
National Chengchi University
Taipei 116, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: 886-2-29393091 ext 51058
Fax: 886-2-29390344
聯絡電話:(02)29393091*51058 |