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    AIMP 3.50 Build 1236 Beta 2 高質音樂播放器 ~ 免安裝

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    le2712 發表於 2013-3-10 22:18:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    【軟體名稱】:AIMP 3.50 Build 1236 Beta 2 ~ 免安裝
    【檔案大小】:7.30 MB
    【放置空間】:depositfiles / solidfiles
    AIMP 是一個長得很像傳統WinAMP的音樂播放器,不過 AIMP 功能相當多元、擴充性也很不錯,除了該有的EQ等化器、播放時的視覺特效、可更換、自訂佈景主題...之外,他的播放清單跟foobar2000一樣可以很方便的用「多頁籤」的方式瀏覽、切換,適合給喜歡自己編輯一堆歌單來聽的人用。實際操作起來又跟WinAMP般簡單、直覺。
    除此之外,AIMP 內建了一堆相當實用的小功能,譬如說可以讓我們自行設定自動關機時間,看是要用倒數計時的方式播到時間到之後就關機,或在指定時間讓電腦自動關機、休眠、停止播放或關閉 AIMP 程式。甚至也可以在播放清單裡的歌曲播完之後自動關機或停止播放,相當方便!
    Changes in AIMP 3.50 Build 1236 Beta 2 (07.03.2013):
    * Audio Converter: Tags are now stored to WMA and WavPack formats via AIMP tags engine
    * Audio Converter: Only common information about the tracks is now stored to the file tags during “All-to-one file” encoding mode
    * Player: Response time of the window in “desktop toolbar” mode during adding files via drag-n-drop operation has been decreased
    * Player: Playlists reading speed has been increased by 25%
    * Skin Engine: Compatibility with old skins has been improved
    * Skin Engine: Rendering speed has been increased due caching of the background elements
    - Fixed: Installer doesn’t create shortcuts under Windows 8
    - Fixed: Installer – update mode doesn’t work
    - Fixed: Simple Scheduler – the state of “shutdown the computer” option isn’t stored
    - Fixed: Player – few folders without spaces in the names cannot be added to the player via command line
    - Fixed: Player – the plug-ins table jumps to beginning after any plug-in is unloaded
    - Fixed: The tag editor stores two copies of cover art to the file in FLAC format
    - Fixed: Skin Engine – information in QFI isn’t refreshed in some cases
    - Fixed: Skin Engine – maximized window reduces its size after AIMP restart
    - Fixed: Playlists Managing – preview for few selected playlists doesn’t work correctly
    - Fixed: Audio Library – all tracks from set are added to the audio converter regardless of which of them were selected
    - Fixed: Small bugs and defects

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