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PCTools Desktop Maestro v3.0.0.830 桌面藝術大師~免安裝

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ken000 發表於 2009-3-12 02:04:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

【軟體名稱】:PCTools Desktop Maestro v3.0.0.830
桌面藝術大師是PC Tools一款集成注冊表清理、隱私清理以及系統監控優化的工具。它繼承PC Tools得獎產品Registry Mechanic和Privacy Guardian的特點,能很好的優化系統性能、穩定和保證用戶的保密性。
Registry Cleaner
With Desktop Maestro, you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows? registry with a few simple mouse clicks. Problems with the Windows? registry are a common cause of Windows? crashes, slow performance and error messages. Desktop Maestro uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows? registry. These problems can occur for many reasons including incorrect or incomplete removal of software, missing or corrupt hardware drivers and orphaned startup programs. Within a few easy steps, Desktop Maestro will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and list the registry errors found so you can choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair all errors. Desktop Maestro can also make a backup of any repairs made so that you can easily recover any changes if required.
Privacy Protection
The Privacy Guardian feature of Desktop Maestro guarantees your privacy by ensuring that all traces of your online and computer activities are permanently erased and unrecoverable on your PC. Information from every website you visit is stored on your computer and recorded in hidden Windows? locations including temporary files, cookies, system registry and the index.dat file. Web browsers only provide partial privacy protection by allowing some temporary internet files and cookies to be deleted, but Privacy Guardian also cleans data out of all the hidden files and deletes the data securely. It also frees valuable hard drive space and speeds up system performance by cleaning old and unused temporary records. It allows you to simply and securely erase sensitive files from Windows?, Microsoft Office, Netscape, Windows? Media Player and Internet Explorer.
System Optimization
Desktop Maestro provides optimization and performance features that allow you to actively monitor system usage, processes, CPU, memory and disk space. The registry compacting feature analyzes, rebuilds and compacts the Windows? Registry by removing registry gaps and free space, and corrupt keys thereby making your PC start-up quicker and with more available memory. The system optimization function applies a set of tweaks and patches directly onto your PC that are designed to improve system performance and usability. The built-in defragmentation tool provides a streamlined interface to the Windows? Disk Defragmenter which will optimize the files on your disk for faster file access.

julyfox 發表於 2010-10-5 13:20:04 | 只看該作者
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