
tag 標籤: Desktop


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AMD for Desktop Quad Core主機板曝光 ,採用AM2+設計和LGA1207設計 attachment 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-5-12 7 10844 lelehp 2007-5-24 12:38
AMD Previews New Desktop Platforms and Fusion attachment 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-7-27 0 6283 sxs112.tw 2007-7-27 07:26
Logitech Cordless Desktop Wave - 舒適好用的無線鍵盤滑鼠組 週邊產品 Mouse,Keyboard,Headset,Extensions shihwolf 2007-11-8 5 28178 alex810 2007-11-16 13:31
[OCZ] Rellay2 Desktop 32G & ATV&ATVturbo_desktop_display 報馬仔 Break new kevinj 2008-2-1 2 7906 Z.. 2008-2-2 02:37
Windows Vista 企業應用實機訓練課程 報馬仔 Break new bankerju 2008-2-3 0 6896 bankerju 2008-2-3 10:43
ASUS Desktop類技術講座 2008.02.18 廠商新聞 News admin 2008-2-19 11 27027 tk3c101 2008-3-20 11:58
羅技推出「Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution」藍芽鍵盤滑鼠組 報馬仔 Break new fsaa3dfx 2008-2-24 1 5934 hyde211 2008-2-24 12:34
[DD] Asus Eee PC Desktop, Eee Box Unveiled attachment 報馬仔 Break new DutchDragon 2008-3-29 0 9686 DutchDragon 2008-3-29 22:40
[DD] ASUS launches world's smallest desktop PC: the Essentio CS5110? 報馬仔 Break new DutchDragon 2008-4-11 0 14247 DutchDragon 2008-4-11 22:42
Corsair Announces High-Density Memory Line for Mac Pro Desktop Systems attachment 廠商新聞 News hyde211 2008-4-21 0 11214 hyde211 2008-4-21 03:06
Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution - 近乎完美的藍芽鍵盤滑鼠 週邊產品 Mouse,Keyboard,Headset,Extensions shihwolf 2008-5-18 4 32390 shihwolf 2008-5-22 02:21
下载:Intel Desktop Control调控工具4.3版 Windows驅動更新 Drivers update maozhihua 2008-10-10 0 10378 maozhihua 2008-10-10 15:08
Intel Desktop Mobile Server EOL Roadmap attachment 業界動態 Industrial Information admin 2008-10-30 0 16106 admin 2008-10-30 03:45
NVIDIA Desktop GPU 與 Mobile GPU 改名計畫再次展開 業界動態 Industrial Information fsaa3dfx 2008-12-2 0 10994 fsaa3dfx 2008-12-2 10:50
下载:Intel Desktop Control调控工具4.4版 Windows驅動更新 Drivers update maozhihua 2008-12-19 1 8845 nty123 2008-12-19 22:00
Active Desktop Calendar 7.68 Build 081225相當棒的桌面日曆 Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2008-12-29 0 10942 ken000 2008-12-29 20:58
Active Desktop Calendar 7.69 Build 090116相當棒的桌面日曆~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-1-17 0 15827 ken000 2009-1-17 14:20
Active Desktop Calendar 7.69 Build 090119相當棒的桌面日曆~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-1-20 0 6370 ken000 2009-1-20 09:59
Active Desktop Calendar 7.7.090202相當實用的桌面日曆~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-3 0 9032 ken000 2009-2-3 11:44
Active Desktop Calendar 7.72 Build 090217實用桌面日曆~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-19 0 5829 ken000 2009-2-19 01:26


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