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OCZ Hints at Radical Approach to Heatsink Design

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hicookie 發表於 2007-1-11 15:35:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Heatpipes to make an appearance in memory design this year

OCZ Technology today announced its newest memory designs behind closed doors. The design, currently codenamed Flexpipe, will make an appearance on high-end OCZ XTC as early as February 2007.

The design of the Flexpipe heatsink revolves around a heatpipe that transfers heat from the module to another heatsink one centimeter above the memory bank.  Air can pass freely under and over the heatsink bank -- an approach that allows air to move over the heatsinks of multiple modules when installed on a motherboard.

The new memory design just finished its pre-production trials and the company will move into test trial phases this month.

OCZ recently announced its hybrid FlexXLC heatsink, a design that can work as a watercooled or aircooled sink.  OCZ Technology Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Alex Mei, claims "the Flexpipe is mainly designed for a memory platform above the OCZ XTC series memory, but will be priced more aggressively than FlexXLC modules."

Most likely, Flexpipe devices will go head-to-head against Corsair's wildly popular DOMINATOR series memory introduced in mid-2006.

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