
tag 標籤: Design


版塊 作者 回復/查看 最後發表
OCZ Hints at Radical Approach to Heatsink Design 報馬仔 Break new hicookie 2007-1-11 0 11267 hicookie 2007-1-11 15:35
AMD AM3 Reference Design motherboard attachment 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-11-8 0 8355 sxs112.tw 2007-11-8 14:33
2008 Porsche Boxster S Design Edition 1 歐美車交流 West Cars oyzxqq 2007-12-23 0 12989 oyzxqq 2007-12-23 02:15
[情報] 創見4GB JetFlash V90 Classic行動碟展現精品質感 報馬仔 Break new PC3 2008-4-6 0 6181 PC3 2008-4-6 20:31
[情報] 安富利電子元件部推出FPGA評估工具套件 報馬仔 Break new PC3 2008-5-14 0 5270 PC3 2008-5-14 02:02
AutoRun Design Speciality 9.50.6 光盤自啟動程序專業製作工具 Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-12 0 9145 ken000 2009-2-12 16:02
[XF] 真12相板王+Xtreme Design:華碩ASUS P5P43TD Pro 主機板 MOBOs XF-Edward 2009-6-30 307 217899 hjhdu123 2011-11-13 00:53
[XF] 真12相板王+Xtreme Design:華碩ASUS P5P43TD Pro attach_img 頭條文章 Headline News XF-Edward 2009-7-1 0 22471 XF-Edward 2009-7-1 10:44
1200美金的滑鼠... 業界動態 Industrial Information yyyfly 2009-10-27 0 12316 yyyfly 2009-10-27 19:59
Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD7 Final Design attach_img 業界動態 Industrial Information sxs112.tw 2010-1-26 1 13565 ldas 2010-1-27 17:39
XFX Alters Radeon HD 5970 Black Edition Design attach_img 業界動態 Industrial Information sxs112.tw 2010-3-29 0 12936 sxs112.tw 2010-3-29 23:29
GlobalFoundries to bring the "fastest" 28nm ARM Cortex-A9 design attach_img 業界動態 Industrial Information sxs112.tw 2010-4-6 0 10558 sxs112.tw 2010-4-6 21:10
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 x86 綠色免安裝 Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2010-9-5 1 38394 charlisbob 2017-3-24 14:03
ECO Design綠設計深入校園 3D工具實現資源永續利用 attach_img 廠商新聞 News yyyfly 2010-10-5 1 9626 knighter9999 2010-10-6 00:11
貓頭鷹再開M4A88TD-V EVOUSB3 主機板 MOBOs wealoon 2010-10-7 12 23214 wealoon 2010-10-9 23:31
徹底碳化,PPI再推出AUDI R8改裝版Razor GTR-10 attach_img 歐美車交流 West Cars comtomegod 2010-10-13 1 11837 knighter9999 2010-10-13 23:49
3D Home Architect Design Suite Deluxe v8.0~五星級的室內設計軟體 Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2010-11-27 0 15164 ken000 2010-11-27 20:47
東京現場:au Design Studio 手機設計最前線 attach_img 業界動態 Industrial Information librastw 2011-8-19 8 15421 kyo007 2011-8-22 11:38
ZEX日克斯推介 — fractal-design Core 核心電腦機殼,揉合設計元素經驗顛覆 attach_img 廠商新聞 News XF-New2 2011-9-20 2 18851 x61055t 2011-9-20 23:30
RIM 和 Porsche Design 合作推出奢華 BlackBerry 手機 P'9981 attach_img 業界動態 Industrial Information sxs112.tw 2011-10-27 1 10385 pcup 2011-10-28 02:03


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