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    [筆電/桌機/伺服器] MSI微星5大系列筆電,撼動CeBIT 2011

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    XF-News 發表於 2011-2-22 15:16:52 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    MSI微星5大系列筆電,撼動CeBIT 2011!

    MSI微星科技以最極致的科技工藝,繼續重棒出擊德國漢諾威CeBIT 2011,展出五大系列筆電,除採用最極致效能的新一代處理器平台、與高階顯示組合外,還搭載最頂級的環繞音響「MSI Premium Sound」,全方位滿足對筆電效能及聽視覺神經,為全球消費者打造最極致的享受。
    【漢諾威訊】2011年新一代處理器平台陸續揭幕之後,MSI微星科技以堅強的研發能量,推出全面採用全新處理器平台的新一代筆電,以及三款全新的MSI WindPad平板電腦,並在3月1日至5日,於德國漢諾威舉辦的CeBIT國際電腦展重裝上陣,在微星科技Hall 17 , Booth C38的大型展示區中,世界級電玩冠軍隊伍Fnatic.MSI,現場駕馭史上跑得最快的MSI GT680王者筆電,讓您時時刻刻處在極致震撼的超音速影音風暴中。
    MSI微星科技NB全球業務處處長郭緒光表示,MSI微星科技這次展出5大系列全新筆電,包括:王者極致的G系列遊戲筆電、效能極致的F系列筆電、豪華多媒體的C系列筆電、輕薄美型的X系列筆電、以及輕鬆可攜的U系列小筆電,均搭載Intel與AMD最新一代處理器,與最先進的顯示組合。而且多數機種,均配備「MSI Premium Sound」極致環繞音場,現場實機展示包括:超跑等級的Dynaudio™、劇院震撼的THX TruStudio Pro™,以及家庭豪華多媒體音場SRS PC Sound™,滿足全球與會者對視聽娛樂上最極致的享受。

    MSI微星科技NB全球業務處處長郭緒光表示,MSI微星科技率先在CeBIT 2011展出搭載Intel®第二代Core™i7四核心處理器的G系列遊戲筆電機種,包括17.3吋的GT780、GX780,以及15.6吋的GT680、GX680與GE620,不但都配備超高階獨立顯示卡,部份機種還搭載微星獨家的超頻技術,不只如此,頂級機種甚至還採用雙固態硬碟(SSD)加速架構,打造極速的運算效能,震撼CeBIT 2011的現場地表中。

    內建Intel® 第二代Core™ i7四核心處理器:MSI GT680、GX680、GT780、GX780、GR620,以及GE620等6款全新G系列筆電,內建Intel® 第二代Core™ i7四核心處理器,其中,GT680、GX680、GT780、GX780筆電配備nVidia GeForce GTX系列高階獨立顯示卡,而GE620則配置nVidia GeForce GT系列高階獨立顯示卡,以超強的硬體規格,提供遊戲玩家最頂級的效能表現。
    MSI獨家的TDE超頻科技:GT680、GX680、GT780、GX780採用微星科技獨家的TDE超頻科技(Turbo Drive Engine technology),讓系統速度立刻超頻狂飆,其中GT680遊戲筆電,以PCMark Vantage工具進行測試,創下18,162的高分,成為史上跑得最快的筆記型電腦之王。
    頂尖劇院音響技術MSI Premium Sound:筆記型電腦無法讓人擁有完美的聽覺體驗?MSI G系列將徹底顛覆這傳統的刻板印象!源自於MSI精湛深厚的工藝技術,以及對聲響品質的嚴苛標準,打造天籟級筆電聲效MSI Premium Sound,滿足消費者體驗真實原音的渴望,讓您體驗前所未有的極致真實的動聽音效表現。其中,GT680、GX680、GT780、GX780筆電則是與世界級音響大廠Dynaudio攜手合作,經由無數次精密的研究與計算,找出使用者與筆電間最適當的距離及位置,取得最佳的音波傳遞線條,分毫不差的定位出筆電喇叭的最佳方位,讓最完美的音波線條,毫無滯礙直接傳遞到頂級玩家的最高聽覺感受。
    THX TruStudio Pro智慧型環繞聲效:CeBIT現場展出的MSI GT680、GX680、GT780、GX780、GR620,以及GE620筆電,配置僅專業劇院才能擁有的THX TruStudio Pro智慧型環繞聲效,配合內建的頂級喇叭,讓G系列筆電,在播放各類型音樂,以及各頻段的音源時,都能忠實地呈現每一個原始音色。
    MSI微星科技NB全球業務處處長郭緒光表示,MSI微星科技於CeBIT 2011展出3款F系列筆記型電腦,包含15.6吋的FX620,以及17.3吋的FX720/FR720,不但都搭載新一代高效能Intel®第二代Core i™處理器,其中,FX620DX與FX720筆電,採用nVidia GeForce GT系列獨立顯示卡,內建1GB顯示記憶體,並支援DirectX11,大幅強化畫面的細緻度,提供更豐富的多媒體應用。而FR720則是採用Intel HD Graphics 3000內建顯示晶片,Intel大幅強化內建顯示晶片的顯示效能,強悍的顯示效能,足以媲美獨立顯示卡的運算效能。

    全面搭載Intel®第二代Core™處理器:FX620DX、FX720,以及FR720筆電,全面採用第二代Intel® Core i™處理器,除了提供更佳的效能表現,透過新一代Turbo Boost 2.0技術,大幅提升每個核心的運算效能,並透過Quick Sync Video技術,強化影音檔案在轉檔、同步,甚至是編輯的運作效率。
    MSI 獨家GPU Boost 科技:MSI獨顯機種FX620DX與FX720,分別配置nVidia GeForce GT540M與GeForce GT520M,不但都內建1GB顯示記憶體,更支援DirectX 11。此外,在MSI GPU Boost技術加持之下,為您全自動切換繪圖晶片,當筆電在運行需要高影像處理效能的應用程式時,系統會自動切換成獨立顯示卡模式,提供強悍的繪圖效能,讓您欣賞影音等娛樂中,得到最極致與真實的影音感動。若執行一般文書作業或網頁瀏覽工作時,則會自動轉回整合式繪圖晶片模式,大幅節省電力消耗,幫助您在效能與續航力之間取得完美平衡。
    頂尖劇院音響技術MSI Premium Sound:MSI對聲響品質的嚴苛標準,打造出MSI Premium Sound天籟級筆電聲效,與國際知名音響技術大廠Creative傾力合作,採用頂級劇院才能擁有的THX TruStudio Pro智慧型環繞聲效,製造出高品質的環繞劇院級音響,無論各種類型音樂以及各頻段的音源,均能純淨如水晶般的清脆音效,由喇叭終端重現每個單一的原始音色,再藉由Smart Volume以及Surround技術,產生最舒適的視聽環繞音響效果。
    MSI微星科技NB全球業務處處長郭緒光表示,CeBIT 2011展出3款15.6吋C系列筆記型電腦,包含CX640、CR640與CR650,其中,CR650搭載2011年AMD最新一代雙核心E-350處理器,內含AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Discrete-Class顯示晶片,擁有超強悍的顯示效能。而CX /CR640則搭載新一代高效能Intel®第二代Core i™處理器,更搭配微星的獨家技術調校,與一般傳統筆電相比,效能強悍的CX /CR640筆電,只要一半的時間就能完成開機的動作,大幅減少等待開機的時間。

    「PUSH START」F1賽車級按鈕式啟動鍵:延續專屬於F1賽車的「PUSH START」按鈕式啟動鍵,當您按下CX/CR640筆電的同時,也能感受到有如駕駛F1賽車的啟動模式,彷彿置身於賽車中,享受F1賽車等級的效能表現。
    搭載Intel®第二代Core™處理器:CX/CR640筆電搭載Intel®第二代 Core i™處理器,除了提供更佳的效能表現,透過新一代Turbo Boost 2.0技術,大幅提升每個核心的運算效能,並透過Quick Sync Video技術,強化影音檔案在轉檔、同步,甚至是編輯的運作效率。此外,透過微星獨家的開機技術,CX/CR640筆電的開機時間就是比起傳統的筆記型電腦快上兩倍,大幅減少使用者等待開機的時間。*實際開機的速度受使用者設定環境影響。
    配置AMD新世代APU架構處理器:CR650筆電搭載2011年AMD最新一代雙核心E-350處理器,這顆APU(Accelerated Processing Units)處理器除了內含x86架構的核心外,還擁有AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Discrete-Class顯示晶片,支援DirectX 11,提供超強悍的處理與顯示效能,其中強悍的顯示效能,足以媲美獨立顯示卡的運算效能。
    SRS PC Sound™劇院級環繞音響技術:CR650、CX640與 CR640筆電配置新一代SRS PC Sound™技術,不管是採用內建或外接喇叭,甚至是耳機等揚聲器裝置,都能夠拓寬整體聲場,還原音源的本質,提供自然且逼真的環繞聲效體驗,滿足消費者體驗真實原音的渴望,享受前所未有的極致真實的動聽音效表現。
    MSI CR650

    MSI微星科技全球業務處長郭緒光表示,首選展出全新最適合都會移動生活的輕攜筆電,包括:Wind U270、U160MX與X-Slim X370、X460筆電,其中,Wind U270與X-Slim X370筆電均採用AMD在2011年最新劃時代科技的雙核心E-350處理器,整合了支援DirectX 11的AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Discrete-Class Graphics顯示晶片,擁有更強悍的處理與顯示效能,強悍的顯示效能,足以媲美獨立顯示卡的運算效能。而X460筆電則是採用Intel®第二代Core i™處理器,並搭載nVidia GeForce GT540M獨立顯示卡,不但大舉提昇輕攜筆電的處理效能以及續航力外,更能因應最新HD數位多媒體的娛樂享受需求,讓您輕攜移動戶外大自然,享受整天不斷電的多媒體影音生活。
    MSI全新14吋美型筆電X-Slim X460:X-Slim X460筆電搭載Intel®第二代 Core i™處理器,除了提供更佳的效能表現,透過新一代Intel Turbo Boost 2.0技術,大幅提升每個核心的運算效能,並透過Quick Sync Video技術,強化影音檔案在轉檔、同步,甚至是編輯的運作效率。不只如此,X460筆電還搭載nVidia GeForce GT540M獨立顯示卡,內建1GBDDR3顯示記憶體,更支援DirectX 11,提供強悍的繪圖運算效能。
    MSI全新13吋美型筆電X-Slim X370:在都會移動生活需求,既要輕薄時尚、又要舒適大尺寸,全新美型筆電X370,整機重量僅有1.4公斤、極致輕攜,不但擁有超強效的影音與處理效率,更搭配MSI獨家的晶鑽菱紋篆刻技術、加上彩膜漾印的時尚外型塗裝,讓X370成為本年度CeBIT大展中,成為最吸睛的輕攜行動科技精品。*電池的實際使用壽命視操作情形及設定而不同。
    MSI全新12吋輕攜筆電Wind U270:擁有12吋舒適的16:9寬螢幕畫面,整機重量僅有1.3公斤、薄度不到一吋,此外,還搭載MSI獨家ECO省電設計,比常規筆電更多出一倍以上的長效續航,加上彩膜漾印時尚塗裝,防指印、耐磨之餘,讓您的都會時尚生活,也可以整天運算而不斷電。
    MSI全新10吋時尚小筆電Wind U160MX:極輕、極薄,整機薄度不到一吋,重量只有1公斤,採用圓柱型螢幕轉軸設計,側邊安置圓融的動力旋鈕,蘊含日昇之初的光明意象,是精湛工藝科技的經典之作。U160MX不只外型時尚、更採用Intel最新Atom N455雙核心處理器,運用最先進的整合式晶片架構,讓小筆電耗電量更低、效率提升,滿足整天不斷電的都會時尚無線移動生活!
    Wind U160MX

    擴充無界、享樂無限,MSI WindPad現身!
    MSI WindPad 100A

    MSI微星科技NB全球業務處處長郭緒光表示,這一次的CeBIT 2011展中,MSI微星科技將展出新一代WindPad平板電腦,包括:Windows平台與Android平台等三款平板電腦。這三款平板電腦都將擁有G-Sensor重力感測裝置、ALS光感應與Wi-Fi無線傳輸等功能,同時嶄新的美型時尚外型設計,展現MSI微星科技兼具創新研發與時尚設計的科技領先能量。
    MSI WindPad 100A平板電腦:採用現階段最新版Google Android作業系統,不但配置多點觸控功能的10.1吋螢幕,還搭載ARM處理器、電子羅盤、GPS衛星定位功能、G-Sensor重力感測裝置、ALS光感應與Wi-Fi無線傳輸等功能、還有劇院級的SRS環繞音效,並可選購3G上網,重僅800公克,機身最薄處不到13mm,電池的續航力更可高達8至10小時。針對Google Android作業系統的特色,MSI WindPad 100A還在螢幕右側設計Back、Menu、Home、Search以及光學滑鼠等快捷鍵,加上右側邊的G Sensor鎖定鍵,讓您右手不需滑動、僅用手指即能完成閱讀翻頁、以及網頁瀏覽等動作。另外,現場還將展示多款現代流行的塗鴉藝術機種,展現MSI WindPad 100A平板電腦的時尚流行風采。
    MSI WindPad 110W平板電腦:搭載2011年AMD最新一代Brazos處理器,這顆APU(Accelerated Processing Units)處理器擁有AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Discrete-Class顯示晶片,支援DirectX 11,提供超強悍的處理與顯示效能,讓平板電腦也能擁有最強悍的顯示效能,足以媲美PC的獨立顯示卡的運算效能。作業系統則是搭載微軟Windows 7 Home Premium,採用支援多點觸控的10.1吋螢幕,還配置32GB的固態硬碟、G-Sensor重力感測裝置、ALS光感應與Wi-Fi無線傳輸等功能,特別的是,這台平板電腦還搭載微星獨家的Wind Touch、Easy Viewer、Easy Face等多款應用軟體,只要輕輕一點,就能快速找到應用程式、輕鬆瀏覽照片等。
    MSI WindPad 100W平板電腦:搭載微軟Windows 7 Home Premium作業系統的平板電腦,不但採用支援多點觸控的10.1吋螢幕,還配置Intel手持裝置處理器、32GB的固態硬碟、G-Sensor重力感測裝置、ALS光感應與Wi-Fi無線傳輸等功能,特別的是,這台平板電腦還搭載微星獨家的Wind Touch、Easy Viewer、Easy Face等多款應用軟體,只要輕輕一點,就能快速找到應用程式、輕鬆瀏覽照片等。
    MSI在德國漢諾威CeBIT 2011攤位資訊
    Time: Mar 1th-5th , 2011
    Location: Hall 17 , Booth C38
    Ultimate laptops, Unbeatable Power!
    MSI to Show 5 NB Series at CeBIT 2011!
    MSI will be showing the ultimate array of laptop computers ever, consisting of five major notebook computer series at CeBIT 2011 in Hanover, Germany. In addition to featuring the latest, most powerful generation of processor platforms and high-end visual-display units, they are also equipped with the MSI Premium Sound—the ultimate wrap around sound, to give users the most powerful audio-visual experience available in notebook computers
    Hanover—Employing rock-solid R&D capabilities, MSI rolled out a complete array of new notebook and tablet computers packing the new generation of CPU platforms introduced in 2011. It will be parading them March 1-5 at CeBIT, the international computer electronics exhibition in Hanover, Germany. MSI’s wares will be displayed in Booth C38, Hall 17. Come to MSI’s booth to see world gaming champions Fnatic.MSI as well as the MSI GT680—the world’s fastest notebook computer. There’ll be plenty of exciting things at the MSI booth to wow the crowds.
    Eric Kuo, associate vice president for global sales, MSI Notebook, noted that five major notebook computer series to be shown will include the awesome G Series gaming laptops, the high performance F Series, the deluxe multimedia C Series, the gorgeously slender X Series, and the highly mobile U netbook series. These stylish machines all pack the newest generation of either Intel or AMD’s CPUs and advanced visual-display units. Most models also come with MSI Premium Sound—the best wrap around sound out there. Like supercar-class Dynaudio™, cinema-grade THX TruStudio Pro™, and premium multimedia SRS PC Sound™ for the home, programs designed to satisfy the audio-visual entertainment needs of users from around the world, will be on display in Hanover.
    Eric Kuo pointed out each of MSI’s three brand new WindPad tablet computers features one of three processor models, using Intel, AMD, or ARM architecture, as well as the latest version Windows or Android operating systems, to meet the needs of different users. They also come equipped with a complete array of I/O slots, wrap-around sound, high-resolution screens, and a large variety of MSI’s own innovative software. These products are designed to expand your world and offer you unlimited entertainment possibilities.
    Gaming laptops to awe crowds at CeBIT
    Kuo went on to say that G Series laptops with 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7 quad core processors to be displayed at CeBIT 2011 will include the 17.3-inch GT780 and GX780 as well as the 15.6-inch GT680, GX680, and GE620. They all pack high-end discrete graphics cards, some come with MSI’s exclusive overclocking technology, and top models also sport accelerated dual solid state drive (SSD) architecture. The awesome computing power of these machines is expected to awe CeBIT visitors.
    Intel® Core™ i7 quad core processor: The six new additions to MSI’s G Series of gaming laptops—the GT680, GX680, GT780, GX780, GR620, and GE620, all feature Intel’s most advanced 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7 quad core processor. The GT680, GX680, GT780, and GX780 also sport the nVidia GeForce GTX series discrete graphics card, while the GE620 packs the top-end nVidia GeForce GT Series discrete graphics card. The impressive hardware is one reason these NB computers are the ideal choice for serious gamers.
    TDE overclocking technology: The GT680, GX680, GT780, and GX780 feature MSI’s own TDE overclocking technology (Turbo Drive Engine technology) designed to throttle up system speed. The GT680, in particular, recorded the highest laptop score ever (18,162 points) on the PCMark Vantage test, making it the world’s fastest notebook computer.
    MSI Premium Sound: If you’re of the opinion that laptop computers just can’t offer an enjoyable audio experience, then think again. The MSI G Series is going to shatter that stereotype. Driven by unmatched technical expertise and strict sound quality standards, MSI created Premium Sound technology for laptops to satisfy even the most demanding audiophiles. Now, you can experience sound performance like never before. MSI also worked closely with world-renowned sound system designers at Dynaudio to carry out extensive study and countless calculations to find the perfect location for speakers and to obtain obstruction-free sound transmission on the GT680, GX680, GT780, and GX780.
    THX TruStudio Pro smart wrap around sound: The GT680, GX680, GT780, GX780, GR620, and GE620 laptops come equipped with professional cinema-grade THX TruStudio Pro smart wrap around sound that, along with the internal speakers, allow G Series NBs to faithfully reproduce every note played on them regardless of music type or frequency band.
    Superior performance from new F Series laptops
    Kuo pointed out that MSI will be showing at CeBIT 2011 three new additions to its F Series, including the 15.6-inch FX620DX and the 17.3-inch FX720 and FR720. They all come equipped with the high-performance Intel® second generation Core i™ processor. The FX620DX and FX720, in particular, come with the nVidia GeForce GT Series discrete graphics card with 1 GB of display memory and support DirectX11 which greatly enhances picture resolution for a richer multimedia and game experience. The FR720 comes with Intel’s built-in Intel HD Graphics 3000 chipset. This powerful new Graphics chipset provide improved display performance on par with that of discrete graphics cards.
    2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor: The FX620DX, FX720, and FR720 all feature the 2nd generation Intel® Core i™ processor for better performance and the new generation Turbo Boost 2.0 vastly enhances performance in each core. The Quick Sync Video revs up efficiency when ripping, synchronizing, and editing multimedia files.
    GPU Boost: Discrete-graphics models FX620DX and FX720 feature nVidia GeForce GT540M and GeForce GT520M, respectively, and support DirectX 11 high performance nVidia GeForce GT520M discrete graphics card with 1GB of display memory. What’s more, the automatic graphics switching in MSI’s GPU Boost technology kicks them over to discrete graphics card mode to kick graphics processing up a notch or two. When performing general word processing tasks or browsing the Internet, it automatically cuts to the power-sipping integrated graphics chip mode, striking the ideal balance between performance and battery life.
    THX smart wrap around sound: To meet the highest standards of sound quality, MSI developed Premium Sound for laptops. It also worked closely with internationally renowned sound designers at Creative to develop top-end, cinema-grade THX TruStudio Pro which produces high-quality wrap around sound, so you are guaranteed crystal clear sound regardless of the music type or frequency band your laptop is cranking out. While the speakers reproduce each note faithfully, the Smart Volume and Surround technologies let you to create the perfect ambiance to go with it.
    MSI C Series—Superior multimedia and style
    Kuo explained that MSI will show three new C Series laptops at CeBIT 2011—the 15.6-inch CX640, CR640, and CR650. The CR650 features AMD’s latest dual core E-350 processor with AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Discrete-Class display chip for the ultimate in display performance. The CX640 and CR640 come with the latest generation, high-performance second generation Intel® Core i™ processors and MSI’s own fast boot technology. The powerful CX640 and CR640 boot up in half the time required by conventional laptops, so you don’t have to sit around twiddling your thumbs.
    Flat silver (black) metal brush finish: Inspired by the latest trend in high-end sports cars, MSI’s design team incorporated a chic flat silver (black) texture into the CX640 and CR640, giving them a unique flat silver (black) metal brush finish. So not only do these NBs exude a metallic luster, their touch control panels have also undergone crystal diamond polishing and the recessed speakers give them a layered look. The way the brush finish plays with the light and shadows is sure to catch the eyes of visitors to CeBIT.
    Push start power button: Taking inspiration from F1 racecars, the design team opted to incorporate a push start power button into the side of the CX640 and CR640, so that turning them on is evocative of firing up a racecar.
    2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor: The CX640 and CR640 feature Intel’s more powerful second generation Core i™ processor and new generation Turbo Boost 2.0 technology to accelerate the computing capabilities of all cores. The Quick Sync Video technology enhances multimedia file computing performance during conversion, synchronization, and compilation. In addition, MSI’s fast boot technology gets the CX640 and CR640 up and running in half the time that it takes other laptop computers. *Performance will vary with different hardware specs and environments.
    New AMD APU architecture processor: The CR650 is equipped with AMD’s new generation (2011) dual core E-350 processor. In addition to packing x86 architecture core, the APU (Accelerated Processing Units) processor sports the AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 discrete class display chip which supports DirectX 11, offering powerful processing and display performance on par with discrete graphics cards.
    SRS PC Sound™: The CR650, CX640, and CR640 come with the new generation SRS PC Sound™ for natural, wrap around, high fidelity sound whether you use the built-in speakers, external ones, or headsets. This laptop is designed to satisfy your need for crisp, clear sound quality.
    MSI CR650
    Slender, but not lightweights—the U and X Series
    Kuo noted also that MSI will be displaying notebooks ideal for the on-the-go urban lifestyle, including the Wind U270, U160MX, and X-Slim X370, X460. The Wind U270 and X-Slim X370 feature AMD’s newest epoch-making dual core E-350 processor with DirectX 11-supporting AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 discrete class graphics display chip. Not only do they mark tremendous advances in processing power and battery life in high-mobility laptops. The X-Slim X460 features the 2nd generation Intel® Core i™ processor for better performance and the new generation Turbo Boost 2.0 for vastly enhanced performance in each core. They are also equipped to meet the demand for the latest HD digital multimedia entertainment, so you can use them all day out-of-doors without worrying about running out of power.
    New feather-weight 14” X-Slim X460:The X-Slim X460 features the 2nd generation Intel® Core i™ processor for better performance and the new generation Turbo Boost 2.0 for vastly enhanced performance in each core. The Quick Sync Video revs up efficiency when ripping, synchronizing, and editing multimedia files. The X460 also sports the nVidia GeForce GT540M discrete graphics card with 1GBDDR3 of display memory and the latest DirectX 11 for enhanced processing performance when drawing.
    Attractive new 13” X-Slim X370: To meet the needs of active city dwellers for thin, light, stylish laptops that are large enough to be comfortably used, MSI introduces its all-new eye-pleasing X370. A mere 1.4Kg, it is highly portable, boasts high performance multimedia and processing, and is sheathed in MSI’s own chic crystal diamond seal technology and color film print. The X370 is expected to steal the spotlight in the category of high mobility technology at this year’s CeBIT. *Actual battery time will vary with differences in computer use and settings.
    New 12” Wind U270: The Wind U270, which features a comfortable 12-inch 16:9 ratio wide screen, tips the scales at a mere 1.3Kg and is less than one inch thick. It also comes with MSI’s ECO power saving technology, giving it more than twice the battery life of conventional notebooks. It is also sheathed in stylish color film print to protect against smudging and wear. It’s ideal for the style-conscious, on-the-go city dweller as it can be taken around all day without running out of power.
    Chic new 10” Wind U160MX netbook: Ultra-light and ultra-slim, the U160MX is less than one inch thin and tips the scales at just 1Kg. It features a unique display axle with the round power button at one extreme, reminiscent of the sun at dawn. The U160MX is a classic piece of craftsmanship. And not only is it chic, under the hood, it packs Intel’s latest Atom N455 dual core processor with advanced integrated chip architecture to make it more powerful, while using less power. This netbook is the perfect partner for the on-the-go urbanite.
    Wind U160MX
    Unbounded entertainment—MSI WindPad
    MSI WindPad 100A
    Associate Vice President Eric Kuo pointed out that during CeBIT 2011, MSI will be showing three new generation WindPad tablet computers, packing the Windows platform and the other the Android platform. All models come with the G-Sensor gravity detecting device, an ALS light sensor, and Wi-Fi. Superb examples of advanced technology, they all boast a stylish new look, underscoring MSI’s innovative R&D capabilities.
    MSI WindPad 100A tablet: Featuring Google newest Android operating system, the 100A is equipped with a 10.1-inch screen with the multipoint touchpad function, an ARM processor, an electronic compass, GPS, the G-Sensor gravity detecting device, an ALS light sensor, SRS surrounding sound and Wi-Fi. 3G is also optional. Weighing in at 800 grams and 13mm at its thinnest point, it boasts 8 to 10 hours of battery time.
    With the special features of Google’s Android operating system in mind, MSI placed back, menu, home, search, and optical mouse hot buttons to the right side of the WindPad 100A’s display as well as the G Sensor lock button on the right side. You don’t have to move your hand to turn pages when reading or to change web pages when surfing the Internet; you just do so by moving a finger. Several graffiti art models with stylish flowing lines will also be exhibited at the venue, accentuating the chic design of the MSI WindPad 100A tablet.
    MSI WindPad 110W tablet: It features AMD’s newest generation Brazos processor with the AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 discrete class graphics chipset for improved processing and display performance. These powerful new graphics chipset provide improved display performance on par with that of discrete graphics cards. The 110W pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Premium, it comes with a 10.1-inch screen that supports the multipoint touchpad function. The 110W also sports a 32Gb solid state drive, the G-Sensor gravity detecting device, an ALS light sensor, and Wi-Fi. Worth noting, this tablet comes with exclusive MSI applications, including Wind Touch, Easy Viewer, and Easy Face, allowing you to find applications and view photos with the touch of a finger.
    MSI WindPad 100W tablet: Pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Premium, the 100W not only comes with a 10.1-inch screen that supports the multipoint touchpad function, it also sports Intel’s processor for handheld devices, a 32Gb solid state drive, the G-Sensor gravity detecting device, an ALS light sensor, and Wi-Fi. The 100W also comes equipped with exclusive MSI applications, including Wind Touch, Easy Viewer, and Easy Face, allowing you to find applications and view photos with the touch of a finger.
    MSI’s booth information at CeBIT 2011 (Hanover, Germany)
    Time: 1-5 March 2011
    Location: Booth C38, Hall 17

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