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[處理器/主機板] 【英特爾科技論壇】新聞照片與圖說Day1-2

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鳴戶 發表於 2008-10-22 00:55:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


Caption 1: The Intel Developer Forum in Taiwan drew more than 3,000 developers, engineers, media and other technical audiences over two busy days at the Taipei International Convention Center.
圖說一: 英特爾亞太科技論壇在台北國際會議中心的專題演講,吸引了超過三千名開發者、工程師、媒體和其他技術專業人士


Caption 2: Sharing a light moment during Tuesday’s post-keynote media Q&A are, from left, Shane Wall, Vice President of the Mobility Group and Director of Strategic Planning, Platform Architecture and Software for the Ultra Mobility Group; Mooly Eden, Vice President and General Manager of the Mobile Platforms Group; and Stanley Huang, Director of Advanced Technical Sales and Services Intel Asia Pacific.
圖說二: (由左至右)英特爾行動事業群副總裁暨微型移動裝置事業群策略規劃與平台架構總監Shane Wall,英特爾副總裁暨行動平台事業群總經理Mooly Eden ,英特爾亞太區行銷及技術總監黃逸松,在專題演講後輕鬆的進行媒體問答


Caption 3: Mooly Eden used his Tuesday IDF Taiwan keynote to describe the latest Intel mobile technologies for expanding the frontiers of mobility as newer Internet applications continue to drive how people use their PCs, placing new demands on performance and
capabilities requirements.
圖説三:Mooly Eden在 英特爾亞太科技論壇第二天的專題演講中, 分享英特爾最新的行動技術,隨著新的網路應用,持續驅動 人們在使用電腦時功能與效率的需求 ,這些行動技術將 拓展行動運算的範圍


Caption 4: Mooly Eden shows off a Calpella platform design in a Tuesday media briefing at IDF Taiwan. Calpella takes advantage of specific features of the new Nehalem architecture for improved mobile platform performance and energy efficiency in a number of ways.
圖説四: Mooly Eden在英特爾亞太科技論壇第二天的媒體發表 會上, 展示了Calpella平台 設計 。Calpella利用新的 Nehalem架構的特點, 多方面提高了行動平台的功效也縮減了耗電量


Caption 5: Techarazzi at the Intel Developer Forum in Taipei on Tuesday rushed stage to snap pictures of MID.
圖説五:科技迷在 英特爾亞太科技論壇第二天 爭相上台 攝影

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