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[處理器/主機板] 安森美半導體將收購Truesense Imaging, Inc.

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XF-News 發表於 2014-4-3 19:52:58 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

安森美半導體將收購Truesense Imaging, Inc.

•        擴充安森美半導體在高毛利工業終端市場的實力
•        鞏固安森美半導體在工業終端市場應用之寬廣陣容高性能影像感測器供應商的地位
•        安森美半導體將支付約9,200萬美元現金以收購Truesense Imaging, Inc.,收購資金來自公司內部現金
•        交易預計將迅即為公司毛利及收入增值

推動高能效創新的安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor,美國納斯達克上市代号:ONNN)簽署最終協議,收購高性能影像感測器供應商Truesense Imaging, Inc.。Truesense Imaging的產品用於多種工業終端市場,包括機器視覺、保安監控、交通監控、醫療及科學成像,以及攝影。收購Truesense Imaging與安森美半導體現有影像感測器業務極之相輔相成,大幅擴充公司的技術陣容,增添200多家新客戶。根據協議條款,安森美半導體將支付近9,200萬美元現金來收購Truesense Imaging,是項交易受例定成交條件調整後完成。收購資金將以安森美半導體內部可用現金來支付。
安森美半導體總裁兼首席執行官(CEO)傑克信(Keith Jackson)說:「Truesense Imaging的待批收購將我們闡明在少數細分工業市場擴充實力的策略目標推進了一步。收購Truesense將增強我們提供用於工業終端市場的寬廣陣容高性能影像感測器產品的能力,同時還顯著擴大我們的客戶覆蓋。我對兩家公司的結合帶來在高性能成像市場的增長機遇感到興奮。」

Truesense Imaging, Inc. CEO Chris McNiffe說:「安森美半導體是Truesense策略的極配,因為我們的願景相同,都是想增強用於世界上最嚴格成像應用的高性能感測器的能力。兩家公司的結合,使我們能夠充分發揮我們的技術基礎、40年的成像專知和技術及安森美半導體的研發、製造和全球物流基礎設施。我們非常高興加盟安森美半導體,為雙方客戶及雇員帶來新的增長機遇。」

安森美半導體預計是項收購將迅即為公司收入及毛利增值,不包括任何非經常性收購相關費用及既得無形資產之攤銷。根據未經審計的業績,Truesense Imaging 2013年收入約為7,900萬美元,毛利率及運營利潤率分別為44%及23%。Truesense Imaging將會融合至安森美半導體的應用產品部(APG)。交易已獲安森美半導體及Truesense Imaging的董事會(或其授權委員會)批准,預計將在2014年第2季度末前完成,仍有待監管機構批准及按例定成交條件。

安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor,美國納斯達克上市代號:ONNN)致力於推動高能效電子的創新,使客戶能夠減少全球的能源使用。公司全面的高能效電源和訊號管理、邏輯、離散及訂製方案陣容,幫助客戶解決他們在汽車、通訊、電腦、消費電子、工業、LED照明、醫療、軍事/航空及電源應用的獨特設計挑戰。公司運營敏銳、可靠、世界一流的供應鏈及品質專案,及在北美、歐洲和亞太地區之關鍵市場運營包括製造廠、銷售辦事處及設計中心在內的業務網路。更多信息请访问https://www.onsemi.com
關於Truesense Imaging, Inc.
Truesense Imaging, Inc.是一家領先的工業及相關終端市場高性能應用成像方案供應商。公司擁有40年經驗,根源於伊士曼•柯達公司的成像分部,提供性能無與倫比的成像方案,用於多種嚴格要求的應用,包括機器視覺、航空及防衛、醫療成像、科學成像、交通監控及攝影室攝影。Truesense Imaging總部位於美國紐約Rochester。更多資訊請訪問https://www.truesenseimaging.com

#  #  #

安森美半導體和安森美半導體圖示是 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC的註冊商標。所有本文中出現的其他品牌和產品名稱分別為其相應持有人的註冊商標或商標。雖然公司在本新聞稿提及其網站,但此稿並不包含其網站中有關的資訊。

Cautions regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the consummation and benefits of the acquisition by ON Semiconductor Corporation (“ON”) of Truesense Imaging, Inc. (“Truesense”) and the future financial performance of ON. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this release and current expectations, forecasts and assumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include a variety of factors, some of which are beyond our control. In particular, such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, difficulties encountered in integrating Truesense; the possibility that expected benefits and cost savings may not materialize as expected; the variable demand and the aggressive pricing environment for semiconductor products; dependence on each company’s ability to successfully manufacture in increasing volumes on a cost-effective basis and with acceptable quality for its current products; the adverse impact of competitive product announcements; revenues and operating performance; the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; changes in demand for our products; changes in inventories at customers and distributors; technological and product development risks; availability of raw materials; competitors' actions; pricing and gross margin pressures; loss of key customers; order cancellations or reduced bookings; changes in manufacturing yields; control of costs and expenses; significant litigation; risks associated with acquisitions and dispositions generally; risks associated with international operations including foreign employment and labor matters associated with unions and collective bargaining agreements; the threat or occurrence of international armed conflict and terrorist activities both in the United States and internationally; risks related to new legal requirements; risks and costs associated with increased and new regulation of corporate governance and disclosure standards; and risks involving environmental or other governmental regulation. Information concerning additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in ON’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and other of our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date and we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made.

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