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GECUBE Announces X1950XTX Series AGP Cards

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sxs112.tw 發表於 2007-2-16 21:59:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
1.Powered by ATI RADEON® RV580+ (90nm) GPU
2.A 90-nanometer process GPU, the debut of the unique processing architecture
3.256MB of 256-bit (512-bit Internal Ring Bus) GDDR3 memory
4.48 parallel pixel pipelines
5.Dual DVI (Double Dual Link) + HDTV + HDCP + D-sub support.
6.Exclusive X-Turbo Fan (TEC inside)
7.*TEC (Thermal electric Cooler) inside : TEC cools the X1950XT ASIC by electric controlling to its best operating condition besides the big fan coolers.
8.*With X-Turbo fan cooler: Easily to have 648MHz default core clock for 1950XT AGP board and Overdrive to 675MHz ASIC core maximum overclock margin.
9.*Satisfied thermal control device : 1950XTX level in core clock (648MHz X1950XTX original core clock) at only about 70°C or more while operating 3D in room temperature environment for reliability.
10.*OverDrive by ATI control panel
11.*Fan Control ( 2D 20Db-, 3D 28dB-) for silent cooling.
12.*Temperature monitoring : Utility to monitor ASIC temperature.
13.ATI’s Avivo™ technology connects to home entertainment devices and creates true-to-life image reproduction, and the smoothest video playback ever offered by ATI. Get high image fidelity with CRT and LCD displays, TVs, rear projection and plasma TVs, and projectors.
14.New ultra-threaded core 3D architecture with ATI’s revolutionary Avivo video and display technology to drive performance to new heights with incredible 15.speed and intense 3D graphics.
16.Shader Model 3.0 features new High Dynamic Range visual effects, and enhances realism with adaptive anti-aliasing and lightening fast performance.
17.CATALYST™: Full Windows Vista LDDM support including Aero Glass visuals

 樓主| sxs112.tw 發表於 2007-2-16 22:18:25 | 只看該作者
X1950XT AGP + (X1950XTX Core Frequency)
tehsuen 發表於 2007-2-16 23:19:34 | 只看該作者
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