
tag 標籤: New


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Two New Sockets For Nehalem in 2008 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2006-10-20 1 10548 hicookie 2006-10-21 16:20
AMD Releases New ATI Catalyst 6.12 Windows驅動更新 Drivers update sxs112.tw 2006-12-14 1 9590 vincent.chang 2006-12-15 11:00
[XF]new C3 WR ddr2 1071 3 3 3 x 紀錄達成 無極限 Extreme Overclocking & unLimit Final1977 2007-2-6 10 17112 gary111 2007-3-9 09:10
AMD Launches New 690G and 690V Chipsets attachment 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-2-27 0 9235 sxs112.tw 2007-2-27 22:23
New DNA-ATi Pre Final Packages Windows驅動更新 Drivers update sxs112.tw 2007-3-13 0 9463 sxs112.tw 2007-3-13 00:16
DNA-Force 3.0.9792 and 3.1.9793 (new) Public beta's Windows驅動更新 Drivers update sxs112.tw 2007-3-13 1 9641 Andre 2007-3-13 07:28
GeIL's new Esoteria Series Memory attachment 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-4-16 0 7903 sxs112.tw 2007-4-16 22:47
APPLE New iPod 全新機種~全世界就是您的劇院! 網通多媒體 Networking & Media products bankerju 2007-5-25 0 10198 bankerju 2007-5-25 01:22
G.Skill New DDR3-1333 CL8 and CL9 Memory Kits 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-6-19 0 8233 sxs112.tw 2007-6-19 21:16
E6850 New WR - 5597Mhz on IP35 Pro 無極限 Extreme Overclocking & unLimit hicookie 2007-7-29 11 19820 小蕩蕩 2007-8-3 21:30
plextor PX-760A/SA new firmware 1.07 Windows驅動更新 Drivers update hyde211 2007-9-7 0 8985 hyde211 2007-9-7 00:12
New nForce 100, SLI on INTEL chipset 報馬仔 Break new sxs112.tw 2007-9-27 4 8947 Lawliet 2007-9-28 11:36
RegCure V1.5.1 注册表扫描,修复和优化。工具~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2008-12-25 0 8071 ken000 2008-12-25 21:23
Spyware Cease 3.0 小巧好用的防间谍软件~New Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-1-13 0 5841 ken000 2009-1-13 12:11
Kaspersky Antivirus For Windows 7 ~ New~ Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-1-30 0 5661 ken000 2009-1-30 01:08
RegTool 2.8.3331588 提供安全有效的注册表清理功能~new Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-12 0 7152 ken000 2009-2-12 10:32
Speed Video Converter 4.4.5 小型视频转换工具~new Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-13 0 5964 ken000 2009-2-13 16:05
RealPlayer 11.0.7a Build GOLD ~New(13/2/2009) Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-13 0 6546 ken000 2009-2-13 21:38
ConceptDraw Office Pro 8.0.5 专业图象制作家~new Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-16 0 6418 ken000 2009-2-16 12:22
Torchsoft Malware Defender 2.0.5主机入侵防御系统软件~new Windows應用軟體 Applications ken000 2009-2-19 0 7106 ken000 2009-2-19 18:12


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