產品在歐美國家有著很高的知名度,其針對自家顯卡開發的超頻工具EVGA Precision也是深受超頻玩家的喜愛。
EVGA Precision不僅可以對顯卡Core/Shader/Memory頻率進行精確調整,還支持在遊戲中即時監控顯卡資訊、支援羅技液晶鍵盤顯示顯卡資訊等功能。由於EVGA是NVIDIA的AIC(核心合作夥伴)之一,產品以使用NVIDIA晶片的顯卡為主。這點也成了EVGA Precision區別於其他超頻工具之處:EVGA Precision只支援使用NVIDIA晶片的顯卡。
EVGA Precision X will allow you to make fine tune adjustments on your graphics card, including GPU Clock Offsets, Memory Clock Offsets, Fan Speed, voltage and much more. This latest version of PrecisionX has been revamped with a new GUI, new OSD (On-Screen Display) features, improved voltage and pixel clock control, integrated Steam Achievements and more. True enthusiasts know to go with the number one choice for GeForce overclocking; EVGA Precision X 16