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Nikon:S1000pj 投影機相機

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yyyfly 發表於 2009-11-23 22:49:34 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Nikon 發表一台S1000pj 投影機數位相機,相機本身的解析度是12.1百萬畫素


When Nikon first announced the S1000pj Projector Camera I had a good laugh and just forget about it… But then the opportunity came for me to test this camera and to give it a try.

Since the S1000pj is not our average Point & Shoot, I will try to review this baby differently, and skip many aspect that we usually cover when review a camera, and let’s be say it now… And despite its 12.1Mpix Censor, the image quality of the S1000pj just plain sucks… No offense to any Nikon fan boys here, since the S1000pj is in fact not worse or better than other 12.1Mpix capable Point & Shoot, but there is no way for us to advise you to purchase a S1000pj solely on its image quality.

Now this said, the S1000pj is definitively not your average Camera, and its huge plus comes to its tiny little embedded video projector module which will change once and for all the way you used to share photo and video with your friends.
Really it makes sense when you think about it, and we wonder why such cameras haven’t reach the market before.
Making it WAY more expensive than other equivalent Point & Shoot, the S1000pj with its Video projector is just brilliant and will give you instant sharing capability wherever you are and almost whenever you want. Just shoot a couple of picture or a tiny little video, find a dark place whether at home or in the street, press the Video projector button… “Tadaaaa” You can instantly share with your friends your photo on a surface equivalent to a 40” display…
If seriously you cannot expect HD capabilities on such tiny projector, the output image is just enough to enjoy a propose slideshow with your friends or family and share how much fun you had during your holidays.

Granted the S1000pj is more expensive than other 12.1Mpix capable cameras, but the addition of this video projector is enough to justify the price bump, and with an impressive built quality added to an easy to use UI and correct pictures up to ISO 640 (Clean enough to be printed), really worth the extra cash needed to get one of these.
No of course if you still don’t get it or if you think that this video projector is just a lame gadget, and you will be wrong, it will be difficult for us to advise you this camera, but if you just think about it and often needs to share pictures with your friends or parents but don’t want to be bothered with cables or do not have a TV with Jpeg and SD card support around you, the S1000pj is definitively made for you !
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