【軟體名稱】:PDF-XChange Viewer Pro綠色版
【檔案大小】:5.47 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ nakido
開啟 PDF 檔,除了 Adobe Reader 之外,PDF-XChange Viewer 可說是另一款更合適的軟體了,PDF-XChange Viewer 除了可以開啟觀看 PDF 檔之外,它另外的書寫工具功能,可是不容忽視的。也就是說 PDF-XChange Viewer 還允許我們在 PDF 檔案上任意位置加上註解、輸入文字、建立文字區域、箭頭、框線…等功能。最重要的是 PDF-XChange Viewer 還是一個免費的軟體。需安裝.NETframework才能執行。
Changes in version 2.0.0042.6 (21-10-2009):
- Fixed hangup during modification document information.
- Fixed handling of Type 1 fonts with unencrypted charstrings.
- Added button to re-open documents which where closed because of inaccessable source.
- Added stream length correction for stream objects with invalid or absent length.