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[ASRock 華擎] ASROCK P55 DELUXE 第一次親密接觸

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pertonas 發表於 2009-7-9 18:30:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The next generation INTEL CPU is Core i5, core name is Lynnfield. The following chipset call P55, but there will still have Q57、P57、H55 and H57 . Difference between Core i7 and Core i5 not only in cpu socket, but also include whole structure for the cpu. Today we wants bring you to take a view for the P55 from ASRock - P55 Deluxe.
INTEL 下個世代的CPU稱為Lynnfield, 一般上稱為Core i5. 其相對應的晶片組為P55, 然而在之後還會有Q57、P57、H55和H57. 與Core i7有些許的差異, 這差異不單單只是在腳位, 而是整體架構的轉化. 今天, 我們將為各位介紹ASRock的P55 Deluxe.
Core i5 will coming up in September, but we can found some preview in some forum already. No matter how, Core i5 will take over the place from Socket 775, this the truth. But what is the difference between Core i5 and Core i7.
Intel將在接下來的九月份推出Lynnfield架構的Core i5, 但是我們已經能夠從網路上一些論壇找到相關的測試. 姑且不論其效能到底如何, Core i5似乎會慢慢取代目前市場上的775腳位. 但是, Core i5和Core i7之前是否有任何差異.
Now, let we take a look for the ASRock P55 Deluxe
讓我們來看看ASRock P55 Deluxe這張板子.
Easily we found mobo name - P55 Deluxe from ASRock
我們可以發現到這張板子是ASRock P55 Deluxe.
first, we look from the I/O panel. Very simple, but take close on the eSata section, they are using Power eSata for this mobo.
首先, 我們先來看看I/O的部分, 很標準的設計, 但是在eSata的部分, 可以發現到, ASRock是採用POWER eSata.
Seem that's three PCI-E 16X , but in fact that is PCI-E 16X, PCI-E 8X and PCI-E 4X. But we can found there is print 3-WAY SLI. The Core i5 biggest difference combined the northbridge into CPU, so we can't found northbridge in mobo, only can found southbridge.
看起來似乎擁有三組PCI-E 16X, 但實際觀察到的是PCI-E 16X、PCI-E 8X以及PCI-E 4X. 不過, 板子上有SLI和CROSSFIREX的標誌, 所以執行起來應該是 16X, 8X和4X. 至於北橋的部分, 已經被併入到CPU裡面, 因此我們只能夠在板子上看到南橋.
this the southbridge chipset.
Clock gen IC
JMB363 - PCI Express to SATA II and PATA Host Controller
VIA VT6308S - for IEEE 1394
DUAL LAN support form REALTEK RTL8111DL
雙網路晶片組皆來自REALTEK RTL8111DL
AUDIO using ALC890B
P55 Deluxe still keep floppy and IDE, but ASRock P55 DELUXE seem not prepare for SATA 6.0Gbps, all the six SATA PORT are 3.0Gbps. As you see there is TPM in this mobo .
這張P55 DELUXE在配置上保留了IDE和FLOPPY, 在SATA的部分, 看起來都是SATA 3.0Gbps而沒有搭配最新的SATA 6.0Gbps, 同樣的事情也發生在USB 3.0的部分.但是我們卻能夠發現主機板上有TPM的設置.
P55 with the DDR3 dimm support, difference with the core i7 triple channel, the core i5 come with dual channel only. there is a special slot beside the dimm.
P55正式宣布DDR3時代的來臨, 不同於CORE i7的地方是, CORE i5是雙通道. 但是我們發現到這裡有一個奇怪的插槽.
This the interesting in this mobo - braidwood. why ? according to the roadmap, braidwood should come out with P57. maybe you will ask me what is braidwood and how it works?
這張板子最特別的地方 - braidwood. 為何如此說? 根據規範來看, braidwood應該是跟隨者P57, 而非P55. 也可能你會問我, 什麼是braidwood, 它有什麼用途?
Braidwood maybe we can say it is the another kind of INTEL TURBO MEMORY. Through the braidwood with the specialist NVRAM, it will become buffer between system and storage interface, even a Low -End PC will have the SSD read / write ability.
Braidwood, 可以說是另一種型態的INTEL TURBO MEMORY. 透過BRAIDWOOD以及其專門的NVRAM, 能夠在系統以及儲存裝置之間產生一個緩衝, 讓入門級的電腦也能夠擁有SSD的讀寫能力.
But braidwood only for P57、H57 and Q57. Don't know why ASRock will put braidwood in P55. Maybe this the Media Sample
關於BRAIDWOOD, 我們很好奇的是為什麼ASrock會在P55的板子上搭配BRAIRWOOD, 因為這只限定於P57、H57和Q57晶片組. 有可能是因為這是媒體
At last , let we see the CPU part.
最後, 讓我們來看看CPU的部分.
LGA 1156 come with a difference CPU bracket, made by LOTES.  
這一回, LGA1156搭配了不同以往的扣具, ASRock的部分是採用LOTES製造.
Make a close for the bracket
In Power design section, Core i5 seem not like a power monster. ASRock P55 Deluxe come with 16 PWM, it can lower the heat from each PWM.
供電的部分, Core i5似乎不是一個耗電怪物. P55 Deluxe採用了16顆PWM, 而這有助於降低各PWM的熱以及平均每一項供電.
This MOBO only a media sample from ASRock. we can do any testing in this part, only do a preview for ASRock P55 DELUXE. This mobo is not the final, it will do a little difference when mass production. There are lot of rumors about Core i5, but we cannot put any comment as there is no any statistics right now.
來自ASRock的P55 Deluxe, 目前曝光的只是媒體樣品, 礙於NDA的關係, 也不能夠進行任何的實際測試. 但是這張板子絕對不會是最後的量產品, 據說還會針對些許細節進行調整, 實際成品到底如何, 還是必須等到正式上市才能夠確定. 如今市場對於Core i5擁有許多的傳言, 由於我們手上沒有任何數據, 無法進行任何評論.

japan0827 發表於 2009-7-9 19:16:06 | 只看該作者
 樓主| pertonas 發表於 2009-7-9 19:22:54 | 只看該作者
japan0827 發表於 2009-7-9 19:16

ntnk 發表於 2009-7-9 19:41:35 | 只看該作者
pertonas 發表於 2009-7-9 19:22

bbsplus 發表於 2009-7-9 19:45:36 | 只看該作者
japan0827 發表於 2009-7-9 20:18:13 | 只看該作者
ntnk 發表於 2009-7-9 19:41

刺郎 發表於 2009-7-9 23:54:48 | 只看該作者
nickshih 發表於 2009-7-10 00:42:48 | 只看該作者
ntnk 發表於 2009-7-9 19:41

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frankchen1026 發表於 2009-7-10 00:52:26 | 只看該作者
wingphoenix 發表於 2009-7-10 01:04:50 | 只看該作者
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