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Sweet Home 3D V2.0_3D室內設計軟體_免安裝

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le2712 發表於 2009-6-8 00:49:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【軟體名稱】:Sweet Home 3D V2.0_免安裝
【檔案大小】:31.4 MB
Sweet Home 3D 是個室內設計用的 3D 模型軟體,使用起來很簡單,主要是將視窗左列中所用到的物件拉到圖中,然後組合成模型,使用者並依照自己的意思和喜好來修改和上色,就能完成心目中理想的家。
擁有一個舒適的家是所有人的夢想,但在實作或變更、裝潢之前若能自己先畫出對家的想像,那麼夢想就可望具體圖像化,可能產生的問題也能事先排除,Sweet Home 3D 就是一套這樣的軟體,不論是針對專業的室內設計人員的使用,或者業餘的玩家想要設計自家造型都能靠它來完成。
整個模型可以拉平形成平面圖,也能 3D 旋轉讓使用者從各個角度來觀察,Sweet Home 3D 目前支援多種語言包括英文、簡體中文、法文、葡萄牙文、義大利文、德文、波蘭文、西班牙文等,在官方網站上也另外提供了 Mac 和 Linux 的版本供下載。
Changes in Version 2.0, (June 4, 2009):
* Added 3D View > Create photo... menu item to create PNG images of the current 3D view with the ability to choose their size and their rendering quality; photo-realistic rendering performed by SunFlow library.
* Enabled the user to enter walls and rooms size with the keyboard once he presses the Enter key.
* Added the ability to create the walls around a room by double-cliking in that room.
* Added new preferences for the rendering of the plan to view furniture from its top, fill the floor of the rooms with their color or their texture, and change the pattern of walls.
* Added the units Meter and Millimeter.
* Fixed a bug that prevented to compute correctly the location of doors and windows and that made the plan view blank.
* Fixed a bug that didn't update the 3D view after some camera moves on computers with low capabilities.
* Updated the JNLP file of Sweet Home 3D to require Java 3D 64 bits on 64 bits architecture.
* Replaced JRE 6u12 by JRE 6u14 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
* Added Chinese (Simplified) localization of help pages written by Zhao Si-cong.
* Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

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