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[業界新聞] Intel 開發者論壇 IDF 將走入歷史

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Intel 似乎將取消一直以來的 Intel Developer Forum 開發者論壇活動,且已發佈在 IDF 活動的網頁上,其宣布 IDF 將不再舉辦,這論壇課程將被取消。

Intel has evolved its event portfolio and decided to retire the IDF program moving forward. Thank you for nearly 20 great years with the Intel Developer Forum! Intel has a number of resources available on intel.com, including a Resource and Design Center with documentation, software, and tools for designers, engineers, and developers. As always, our customers, partners, and developers should reach out to their Intel representative with questions.

而從一段快取頁面中,有提到 Intel 將改變 IDF 論壇;且 IDF 的舉辦場地,Moscone Center 的行事曆中,還是有著 Intel 的場地租借 August 15th through the 17th。

We are making changes to the Intel Developer Forum. This fall the event in San Francisco will have a new format and we will not be hosting an event in China. More details to come soon.

一直以來 IDF 發表了許多,Intel 備受矚目的產品,包括處理器、記憶體,甚至是各式各樣的新技術,都能在 IDF 中獲得最新的知識;目前來看 IDF 以確定停辦,但也有可能會有新的活動出現。

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