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最新Nod32升級ID獲取器NodLogin 10c正式版 -

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ken000 發表於 2009-10-26 20:16:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
【檔案大小】:0.8 MB
nodlogin 10c ESET NOD32防毒軟件3.X &4.X 中序列號自動更換器是為世界知名的ESET NOD32防毒軟件3.X中版打造的破解利器,有了它,你使用NOD32就跟使用正版的一樣,完全不用理會殺毒軟件升級的問題。
- Windows 98
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
Can be use for:
- Nod32 2.7; 3.0
- ESET Nod32
- ESET Smart Security
*NOTE* You will need to choose the correct 32-Bit or 64-Bit version from within the .rar file depending on what O/S you are running.
Patch Instructions
1. Extract/Copy setup.exe to the folder that you installed Nod32 in, (The default is Program Files - ESET - Nod32...)
2. Double click the file you just copied.
3. Press install
4. The patch is now installed and should run on start up.
1. Follow steps above
2. Remove the file from start up (Using something like WinPatrol or msconfig)
3. Open Nod32/Smart Security - Setup - Click "Enter Entire Advanced Set-up Tree"
4. Press Tools - Scheduler & Planner - Add - Run External Application - Enter your own task name - Repeatedly - Choose how often you want to check for updates - Finish - Click the browse menu beside Executable File - Go to the folder that you installed Nod32 in - Double click "Nodlogin.exe".

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