本帖最後由 yyyfly 於 2009-10-23 23:51 編輯
Dell Adamo Desire規格升級 價格不變
Lately we have been hearing a lot about the upcoming Dell
Adamo laptops (especially the Dell Adamo XPS), however we have
not heard a great deal regarding the Dell Adamo Desire, this laptop
already boasted some pretty impressive specifications, however it
now seems that Dell have decided to upgrade the hardware within.
In July Dell were offering the laptops with a 1.4GHz CPU and a
128GB SSD, these specifications mixed with a lot of other impressive
hardware meant that the laptop would set you back $2,299.
Dell have now decided to upgrade the processor to a 2.1GHz Intel
Core 2 Duo SL9600, and have also double the storage capacity by
replacing the 128GB SSD with a 256GB SSD, the laptop also comes with
4GB of DDR3 RAM and Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, even with all of
these changes Dell are keeping the price at $2,299.
To be honest I think this a is a great deal that Dell are now offering,
however I would be frustrated if I brought a July version of the Adamo
Desire, find out more on SlipperyBrick.
台灣Dell:規格升級價格不便? |